the blue lenses (novelette) daphne du maurier (1959)
the man upstairs (short story) ray bradbury (1947)
a woman seldom found (ss) william sansom (1956)
the graveyard rats (ss) henry kuttner (weird tales vol.27 #3, 3/1936)
the lottery (ss) shirley jackson (1948)
the sea-raiders (ss) h. g. wells (1896)
a tale of the ragged mountains (ss) edgar allen poe (1844)
georgy porgy (ntte) roald dahl (1959)
to reach the sea (ss) monica dickens (ellery queen's mystery magazine vol.46 #3, 9/1965)
the monster (ss) r. chetwynd-hayes (seems to be original to this book)
his brother's keeper (ss) w. w. jacobs (1922)
the hand (ss) guy de maupassant translated by ? (1910), as ''la main'' le gaulois 23/12/1883
mrs. amworth (ss) e. f. benson (hutchinson's magazine 6/1922)
the waxwork (ss) a. m. burrage (''someone in the room'' ''ex-private x'' jarrolds, london 1931)
quid pro quo (ss) mary danby (seems to be original to this book)
reprint anthology containing thirteen short stories and two novelettes
(''the monster'' by r. chetwynd-hayes, and ''quid pro quo'', by the editor, appear to be original)
4th printing 9/1977
indicia gives 2nd 8/1971, 3rd 5/1974)
cover art by les edwards (credited)
cover price (uk & australia prices scratched out) new zealand $1.50, canada $1.25
192pp. including 8pp. titles, indicia etc, 3 end pp. advertising
#1: ''the fontana book of great horror stories'' ed. christine bernard (1966), q.v. for series listing, and links.