the reality trip (novelette) robert silverberg (vol.20 #5, 5-6/1970; british reprint edition 6-7/1970)
troubleshooter (short story) michael g. coney (vol.20 #5, as above; both cover story art by jack gaughan)
the mind bomb (ntte) frank herbert (vol.19 #8, 10/1969; bre 11/1969)
the last true god (ss) ''philip st. john'' (pseudonym of lester del rey) (vol.19 #7, 9/1969)
by the falls (ss) harry harrison (vol.20 #1, 1/1970; bre 2/1970)
SOS (ntte) poul anderson (vol.20 #3, 3/1970; bre 4/1970; both cover story art by mike gilbert)
the right to revolt (ss) keith laumer (vol.20 #11, 5-6/1971)
the right to resist (ss) keith laumer. (ditto)
waterclap (ntte) isaac asimov (vol.20 #4, 4/1970; bre 5/1970; both cover story art by jack gaughan)
habits of the rigelian nightfox (ss) ed bianchi (vol.21 #2, 11/1971)
the nightblooming saurian (ss) james tiptree jr. (vol.20 #5, 5-6/1970; bre 6-7/1970)
prez (ss) ron goulart (vol.20 #2, 2/1970; bre 3/1970)
occam's scalpel (ntte) theodore sturgeon (vol.20 #12, 7-8/1971)
upd (universal publication and distribution) award books mmpb first printing, first edition
reprint anthology of five novelettes and eight short stories from if magazine
edited anonymously by ejler jakobsson, the editor of if magazine 7/1969-2/1974
brief header notes to each story by james (jim) (r.) frenkel (credited)
cover art by chris achilleos as by ''brian boylan'' (credited; psedonym of chris achilleos: re-used from ''donovan's brain'' curt siodmak, (universal-tandem uk 1972) q.v., where it is credited to c. achilleos)
cover price 95¢
256pp. including titles, indicia, table-of-contents etc., end pp. advertising