ReviewThe best bus books are like a good novel, a good play or a good film. They should draw you in and take you away to another time and another place and make you feel you are there, experiencing it for real. This book does that. It deals with a period now long gone but, as you turn the pages, the intervening years melt away and you start to smell the smells and hear the sounds around you. A Midland Red Guy Arab drops off a lonely passenger in Dudley’s hills and powers off; the buzz of the streets of Britain’s second city is interrupted by a Corporation Daimler double-deck purring through - and the buses go about their business passing people in the styles of the day, shops selling goods of the day, and all oblivious to the photographer recording the moment for posterity. Whether by design or accident, the photographers here have all caught a slice of life where the compositions tell a much bigger story that puts the bus into the context of place and time.
Pure pleasure, a good read and a nostalgic journey.
This book deals with a period now long gone but, as you turn the pages, the intervening years melt away and you start to smell the smells and hear the sounds around you. A Midland Red Guy Arab drops off a lonely passenger in Dudley's hills and powers off; the buzz of the streets of Britain's second city is interrupted by a Corporation Daimler double-deck purring through - and the buses go about their business passing people in the styles of the day, shops selling goods of the day, and all oblivious to the photographer recording the moment for posterity. Whether by design or accident, the photographers here have all caught a slice of life where the compositions tell a much bigger story that puts the bus into the context of place and time. Pure pleasure, a good read and a nostalgic journey. 128 and around 150 colour photos.