the quality of paper used for new english library's h/cvrs of this period is dreadful; the wood-pulp paper was much more highly acidic than the grade(s) generally used for uk p/bs, browned very quickly across the full page, and became increasingly brittle.
caveat emptor!
specialist dealers ted & dave in the fantasy centre, the uk's premier secondhand sf, fantasy & horror bookshop, quite commonly referred to the publisher in regards to these h/cvr editions as "new english lavatory paper". . . (this comment is from another edition of this book)
tim white's cover art is re-used from the 1/1979 new english library p/b, where it is credited to him on the back cover; after they bought the company in 1982 from times-mirror of los angeles (or whoever'd bought them), it was retained by hodder & stoughton for their new english library imprint reprintings. (this comment is from another edition of this book)
new english library h/cvr first printing, first uk h/cvr edition
cover (d-j) art by tim white (unsigned, ?credited on d-j flap? check this.)
cover (d-j) price £4.25
144pp. including titles, indicia etc, bound with endpapers between covered boards
d-j typography interpolates robert heinlein's central "a." into new english library's rendition of his byline (this comment is from another edition of this book)
new english library fourth printing, with new isbn, and new
cover art by tim white (unsigned, credited on back cover)
cover price 40p (check overseas territories prices)
144pp. including titles, indicia etc, end pp. advertising
refer to indicia publishing history to distinguish between this and the near-identical:
4/1985 hodder & stoughton / new english library imprint first p/b printing, new english library p/b fifth printing over-all, also differs:
cover price rise (?to £1.95? - check)
near-identical with this (publishing history notes the further reprinting)
8/1974 near-identical new english library p/b sixth printing over-all
retains white cover typography, cover price £1.95
n.b. cover typography has interpolated robert heinlein's central "a." into his byline (this comment is from another edition of this book)
new english library first printing, not first uk p/b edition
cover art unsigned, uncredited
cover price 30p (check overseas territories prices)
144pp. including titles, indicia etc, end pp. advertising
refer to indicia publishing history to distinguish between this and:
7/1972 near-identical new english library p/b second printing
5/1974 near-identical new english library p/b third printing
new english library p/b 1/1979 fourth printing (new edition) bears new isbn, new cover art by tim white - and interpolates.robert heinlein's "a." (this comment is from another edition of this book)
mayflower books p/b first printing, first uk edition
despite any assertion/implication made elsewhere, this is the first english (uk) edition of this novel.
cover art unsigned, uncredited
cover price 2'6
160pp. including titles, indicia etc, end p. advertising (this comment is from another edition of this book)
signet/nal (etc.) fourth through (at least) twelfth printings (re-)use gene szafran's cover art, with cover prices rising, cat# alpha prefix changing to indicate this, and new cat#s (eventually, full isbn) being assigned, and occasional typographical smartening-ups. none of these seem to ascribe a specific month or year date to their reprinting: this can make even normally reliable secondary sources reported dates for printings unreliable.
(the first three signet editions/printings are well-characterised, with cover art by stanley meltzoff)
all signet books editions/printings are from the same setting;
the fourth and further printings share cover art by gene szafran:
#4: T4227 "fourth printing" no date "a signet science fiction • T4227 • 75¢" top from left-hand corner
#7 T4227 75¢ "seventh printing" no date
#8 T4227 "eighth printing" no date "a signet science fiction • T4227 • 75¢" top from left-hand corner
? Q5912 95¢ reported to be 8/1975 8th printing in locus #190, 30/6/1976; may be a mis-report of:
#9: Q5912 95¢ "9 10 ..." (= 9th by number line, not stated "ninth printing" in indicia), no date, "signet 451-Q5912 • 95¢" top front cover into right-hand corner
#10: Y6855 $1.25 "10 11 ..." no date, but cover price => a 1974-1975 reprinting date
#11: W7766 $1.50 "11 12 ..." no date, isbn 0451077660
#12: AJ2139 $1.95 "12 ..." no date, isbn 0451121392
&, possibly a duplicate of the above, or a further printing: 0451121392 1983/2/1 naught further given)
(further contributions to the above reported from copies-in-hand are welcome, likewise corrections - though yr hmbl srppnt. has checked and rechecked, errors may still creep in...) (this comment is from another edition of this book)