published by roberts and vinter ltd, 42/44 dock road, london e.1. (uk)
partly reprint collection including the eponymous novella and five short stories, three of which are apparently original to this book.
cover art uncredited
cover price 3/6
"the deep fix" (novella) science fantasy #64, 4/1964
"peace on earth"° (ss) new worlds #89, 12/1959, as by "michael barrington"
"the lovebeast" (ss)
"the pleasure garden of felipe sagittarius" (ss) new worlds #154, 9/1965
"the real life mr. newman" (ss)
"wolf" (ss)
° - "peace on earth" written by barrington j. bayley and michael moorcock published as by michael barrington
You're welcome ppint. Lots more scans to come. I should be able to fill in a lot of the missing covers as I have a large collection of Michael Moorcock books, both paperback and hardback.
thank-you for the cover image, david; and for tracking down and giving the obituary source issue details.
michael moorcock was good enough to sign my copy as ''james colvin'' despite having killed him off rising a decade earlier :-)
(wish i had a scanner - not that there's anywhere i could put it; but there's other things much higher priority yet awhile.)
Added front and back covers.
The obituary for James Colvin (Michael Moorcock) mentioned by ppint was published in New Worlds #197 January 1970 and was written by William Barclay (Michael Moorcock) the fictitious author of "Somewhere In The Night" and "Printer's Devil".
"the deep fix" was jerry cornelius' fictional backing group, jerry cornelius being one of michael moorcock's major characters and also a portmanteau character made available by moorcock for other authors to use as a major character in their fiction, under certain at least implicit conditions° relating more to style (of story-telling, as well as of the character) than to continuity.
° - not really restrictions
"(the) deep fix" was also michael moorcock's backing band, line-up flexible but usually containing at least some members of hawkwind/the hawklords.
(there is no attempt to imply either or both of these, or any other instance of deep fix or the deep fix has, should, should have, may have, may have had or should have had ceased, at any time or any place in any world of the multiverse or anywhere else by any instance of michael moorcock.)
''james colvin'' was a pseudonym killed off by moorcock, who reported in his obituary (as by "bill Barclay") that james colvin had died in the new worlds offices when a filing cabinet fell on him.