shadow in beige (novella) dorothy eden (organ & place of pubn. to be found) (1960)
the duenna (short story) marie belloc lowndes (op. cit. sub. 1926, as by mrs. belloc lowndes)
the alibi (novelette) daphne du maurier (ladies home journal 4/1959) (no fantasy content)
spinsters' rest (unclassified short fiction) clemence dane (as ''spinster's rest'' op. cit. sub. 1926)
mrs. lannisfree (ss) august derleth (weird tales vol. 39 #2, #3, 11/1945, 1/1946)
the villa désirée (ss) may sinclair (hutchinson's magazine 12/1921)
mrs. lunt (ss) hugh walpole (in ''the ghost book: sixteen new tales of the uncanny'' ed. lady cynthia asquith (1926), q.v.)
the amorous ghost (ss) enid bagnold (op. cit. super, 1926)
chemical (ntte) algernon blackwood (op. cit. super, 1926)
schalken the painter (ntte) joseph sheridan le fanu (as ''strange event in the life of ~'' dublin university magazine 5/1839; revised, with title cut thus, in ''ghost stories and tales of mystery'' ed. anonymously, james mcglashan 1851)
ace books mmpb first printing, first edition
declared to be in the ace star special* (?series?) - justifying the 50¢ price tag, perhaps?
* first time in paperback
cover art unsigned, uncredited
cover price 50¢
256pp. including titles, indica etc, end pp. advertising