Added back cover and with acknowledgement to nanocyar, better front cover.
This novel was first published in serialised form in issues #9 - 11, November, December 1966 and January 1967 of SF Impulse, edited by Harry Harrison. Published by Roberts & Vinter Ltd.
sphere books uk p/b first printing, probable first edition (berkley medallion mmpb is 10/1969)
cover art uncredited
cover price 5/-, east africa 6/00 (= 6s), south africa 60c, australia 80c, new zealand 75c
so should be re-flagged "international" according to respected moderator's rule
- or not so re-flagged, according to equally well-respected moderator's heartfelt plea
160 pp. including titles, indica etc.
9/1972 second printing, cat# 62197, new cover design (sphere sf classics (#9)), new cover art by eddie jones (painting signed), new price 30p. indica still states "it is published for the first time in book form".
3/1974 third printing, cat# 62219, new cover design, new cover art by patrick woodroffe (collected in "mythopoeikon" patrick woodroffe (1976), q.v); cover price 30p, australia 95c, new zealand 95c. indica printing history gives months of previous sphere books p/b printings.
1975 fourth printing, cat#-incorporating isbn 0-7221-62243 on back cover, but isbn is given as 0722162219 in the indica; reverts to cover art by eddie jones from 9/1972 (signed), cover price 35p, australia $1.10, new zealand $1.10, canada $1.50.
1977 fifth printing, isbn 0722162030, cover art by melvyn grant (signed "melvyn"), uk cover price 65p.
(the 10/1985 uk p/b is by granada publishing group under their panther books imprint)
sphere books third printing, only printing with this cover art
cover art by patrick woodroffe (unsigned, uncredited; collected in his ''mythopoeikon'' (1976), q.v.)
cover price 30p, 95c australia, 95c new zealand
160pp. including titles, indica etc, end pp. advertising (this comment is from another edition of this book)
the fourth sphere books uk p/b printing shares this isbn but reverts to cover art by eddie jones (though it is no longer in any version of the sphere science fiction classics series cover designs). (this comment is from another edition of this book)
first berkley medallion mmpb printing, first merkin edition (possibly first edition)
cover art by sanford kossin (signed ''kossin'')
cover price 60¢
208pp? including titles, indica etc, end p.
cat# borne on cover, number entered in isbn10 field is the sbn given in the indica (this comment is from another edition of this book)