the mana of magic series #1:
started as a sequence of short stories based upon the premise that magic is a scientifically investigatable group of phenomena and powers subject to the discoverable laws of natural science
#1: ''the magic goes away'' larry niven, with 80+ illustrations by esteban maroto (1978), (this book)
#1a: ''the magic goes away (text only)'' (1982), q.v.
#2: ''the magic may return'' ed. larry niven (1981), q.v.
#3: ''more magic'' ed. larry niven (1984), q.v.
the magic goes away series includes the warlock stories, not all of which are collected in the above:
not long before the end (short story) f&sf vol.36 #4, 4/1969
unfinished story (ss) f&sf vol.39 #6, 12/1970 aka ''unfinished story no.1''
what good is a glass dagger? (novelette) f&sf vol.43 #3, 9/1972;
the cover story, art by vincent di fate (so signed)
the magic goes away (novella) odyssey #2, summer/1976
and it's possible there've been further warlock stories by larry niven since yr hmbl srppnt. ceased buying & reading (or, more accurately, ceased reading, & eventually ceased buying) the sf & fantasy magazines.
berkley publishing group ace books tp/b first printing, possibly simultaneous first edition
with signed, numbered limited (1,000 copies) edition h/cvr (n.b. some signed, unnumbered h/cvrs exist also)
cover art by boris vallejo (signed, credited to boris on the back cover)
b+w interior illustrations by esteban maroto (credited)
cover price $4.95
224pp. (check) including titles, indicia etc, c. 80pp. b+w illustrations; end pp: the mana crisis (nf) sandra miesel
distinguish from 11/1978 near-identical ace books tp/b second printing by reference to the publishing history adding the line: second ace printing: november 1978