introduction (nf) norman spinrad
the pleasure garden of felipe sagittarius (short story) michael moorcock new worlds #154, 9/1965
driftglass (ss) samuel r. delany if vol.17 #6, 6/1967, one b+w illustration by jack gaughan
sending the very best (ss) ed bryant ''clarion'' ed. robin scott wilson (1970)
going down smooth (ss) robert silverberg galaxy vol.27 #1, 8/1968
(this story was commissioned by frederik pohl to suit the cover art by vaughn bodé, two b+w illustrations by brock)
the garden of delights (novelette) langdon jones new worlds #192, 7/1969
surface if you can (ss) terry champagne new worlds #192, 7/1969
masks (ss) damon knight playboy 7/1968
pennies, off a dead man's eyes (ss) harlan ellison galaxy vol.29 (states 129) #3, 11/1969; galaxy bre vol.29 #3, 12/1969
198-, a tale of ''tomorrow'' (ss) john sladek new worlds #197, 1/1970
flight useless, inexorable the pursuit (ss) thomas m. disch ''under compulsion'' thomas m. disch (1968)
the last hurrah of the golden horde (ss) norman spinrad new worlds #192, 7/1969
(cover story, art by malcolm ''mal'' dean; a jerry cornelius story; michael moorcock's character°)
down the up escalation (ss) brian w..aldiss the london magazine 2/1967
circularization of condensed conventional straight-line word-image structures (ss) michael butterworth new worlds #192, 7/1969 (with first word spelled ''circularisation'')
the definition (ss) bob marsden new worlds #182, 7/1968
the jungle rot kid on the nod (ss) philip josé farmer new worlds #200, 4/1970
° - michael moorcock's jerry cornelius character was made available to contributing authors to new worlds magazine to make what use of they wished - apparently not upon the condition that he was kept in character in their fiction featuring him, so much as that he was kept in style. . . (this comment is from another edition of this book)
i've never seen the first edition - belmont - mmpb, which has vastly better cover art, but this belmont tower printing was pretty common in the yuk-of-gb-&-ni (? or just in england??) for a while, and *may* have been re-covered as a thorpe & porter-connected flamingo imprint uk p/b - or perhaps bearing a flamingo logo + 30p(?) price label.
(keying in the contents, authors, & first publications is boring, but it makes all of these pieces of information searchable here on bookcat, which a picture image doesn't.) (this comment is from another edition of this book)
belmont tower imprint first mmpb printing, not first p/b edition
reprint anthology of fourteen short stories and a novelette
cover art by o'brien (unsigned, credited; not sfaik further identified)
cover price 95¢
240pp. including titles, indicia, table-of-contents etc, end pp. advertising
number-string on spine, 505-50540-095, is not an sbn of any ilk. last element = cover price in cents. (this comment is from another edition of this book)