the man who could work miracles (short story) h. g. wells (illustrated london news summer/1898, subtitled ''a pantoum in prose'')
the lunatic planet (short story) robert silverberg (amazing vol.31 #11, 11/1957, as by ''ralph burke'')
nobody bothers gus (ss) algis budrys (astounding vol. lvi #3, 11/1955; astounding bre xii #4, 4/1956; both: 2 b+w interior illustrations by frank kelly freas)
the dreams of albert moreland (ss) fritz leiber, jr. (the acolyte #10, spring/1945) in ''night's black agents'' fritz leiber, jr. (1947), q.v.)
the man who walked through glass (ss) nelson (s.) bond (esquire 11/1938)
talent (ss) robert bloch (if vol.10 #3, 7/1960; if thorpe & porter (?second strato?) bre #5)
the barbarian (ss) poul anderson (f&sf vol.10 #5, 5/1956)
each an explorer (ss) isaac asimov (future sf #30, 8/1956)
passing of the third floor back (novelette) jerome k. jerome (the saturday evening post 19/11/1904 as ''the passing of the third floor back'')
reprint anthology of eight short stories and a novelette
cover art by jack faragasso (unsigned, uncredited; enlarged lower central detail from his art for ''the changeling'' a. e. van vogt (macfadden books 1969), q.v.) (my identification)
cover price 95¢
192pp. including titles, indicia, table-of-contents etc, end pp.