the proxy intelligence (novella) if vol.18 #10, 10/1968
the problem professor (novelette) , thrilling wonder stories vol. xxxiv #3, 8/1949; thrilling wonder stories bre 12/1949; both: as ''project spaceship''
rebirth: earth (ntte) astounding vol. xxx #4, 12/1942 as ''the flight that failed'' by e. mayne hull
the gryb (ntte) astounding vol. xxv #2, 4/1940 as ''repetition'' (a rull series story)
the invisibility gambit (ntte) astounding vol. xxxiv #2, 4/1943 as ''abdication'' by e. mayne hull (an artur blord series story)
the star-saint (ntte) planet stories vol.4 #11, 3/1951
warner / coronet communications paperback library mmpb simultaneous first printings sharing merkin-printed covers, first edition
reprint collection of five novelettes (two collaborations with e. mayne hull), and the title novella
cover art by jack gaughan (unsigned, uncredited; attribution from icshi and on stylistic grounds)
cover price 75¢
208pp. including titles, indicia etc, end pp. advertising
refer to the indicia publishing history to see if carcass of copy held was canadadian- or merkin-printed
no priority established, nor is liable to be, both state first printing: january, 1971