transworld publishers corgi books first printing, first uk p/b edition
cover art by john richards
cover price 2'-
256 short format pp. including titles, indicia etc, end pp. advertising
despite using the title adopted by the rupert hart-davis 1951 uk first h/cvr edition, "the silver locusts", all the corgi editions follow the doubleday 1950 first edition hardcover, "the martian chronicles"'s contents, through the 1975 printing - which is possibly - quite probably - the last transworld publishers ltd. printing.
all panther / granada / grafton editions from the first (1977) on the isbn 0-586-04362-4, whether they bear the title, ''the silver locusts'' (1977) or ''the martian chronicles'' (1985, 1987, 1993), as do flamingo/ harpercollinspublishers p/bs on 0-00647923-5 (1995, at least four printings), follow the rupert hart-davis uk h/cvr contents;
i suspect, but do not know, that printings of the voyager / harpercollinspublishers p/b on 0-00711962-3 (12/2001) and harper voyager p/b on 978-0-00647923-9 (2008, at least 16 printings) do likewise.
cover art by bruce pennington
cover price 4s. (20p), 50c south africa, 65c australia, 65c new zealand
192pp. including titles, indicia, table-of-contents etc, end pp. advertising
indicia publishing history omits 1965 reprinting
the next corgi books printing in 1972 is probably near-identical, but i've no access to any record of its cover design, cover art, nor cover price(s).
refer to indicia publishing history listing of reissues and reprintings to see which is held.
the printing after that is the first bearing the ''corgi sf collector's library'' series uniform design cover. (this comment is from another edition of this book)
transworld publishers corgi books imprint seventh printing
first ''corgi sf collector's library'' series uniform cover design edition
purpley-blue coloured background, cover textured as though woven on outside
cover art by joe petagno (unsigned, uncredited; attributed in ''the encyclopedia of science fiction'' robert holdstock (1978))
cover price 40p, $1.20 australia, $1.20 new zealand
192pp. including titles, indicia, table-of-contents etc, end pp. advertising (this comment is from another edition of this book)
transworld publishers corgi books fourth printing iiuc (?mis-dated in indicia as ''reissued 1963''?), with new cat#, cover price, new corgi books logo and new
cover art by josh kirby (unsigned, uncredited; attribution from ''a cosmic cornucopia'' josh kirby (1999) q.v.) (listed on as painted 1964)
cover price 3/6
192pp. including titles, indicia etc, end pp. advertising (this comment is from another edition of this book)
transworld publishers corgi books thrid printing/edition, 1963, re-set, with new cat#, cover price and new
cover art by josh kirby (signed, uncredited)
cover price 3/-
192 taller standard uk format pp. including titles, indicia etc, end pp. advertising (this comment is from another edition of this book)
transworld publishers second corgi books printing/edition with new cat#, new corgi books logo
cover art by john richards retained from first printing
cover price 2'6
256 short format pp. including titles, indicia etc, end pp. advertising (this comment is from another edition of this book)