the ship sails at midnight (short story) fritz leiber, fantastic adventures vol.12 #9, 9/1950; bre #4, 12/1950
the power (ss) murray leinster, astounding vol. xxxvi #1, 9/1945
the critters (ss) frank belknap long, astounding vol. xxxvi #3, 11/1945
pardon my mistake (ss) fletcher pratt, thrilling wonder stories vol. xxix #2, 12/1946
good night, mr. james (novelette) clifford (d.) simak, galaxy vol.1 #6, 3/1951 aka ''the night of the puudly''
the plutonian drug (ss) clark ashton smith, amazing vol.9 #5, 9/1934
farewell to eden (ss) theodore sturgeon, (? (original appearence not given)) 1949
co-operate - or else! (ntte) a. e. van vogt, astounding vol. xxix #2, 4/1942 (a rull series story)
finality unlimited (novella) donald wandrei, astounding vol. xviii #1, 9/1936
(the declared foreword (nf introduction) by august derleth is absent from this p/b half of the anthology)
contains the other half of the reprint anthology published by world distributors (manchester) ltd as consul books cat# 1267, "the outer reaches", q.v., but which contains only half the contents of the 1951 pellegrini & cudahy merkin hardcover first edition of that title.