''god grant that she lye stille'' (novelette) (lady) cynthia asquith (in ''when churchyards yawn'' (ed? cynthia asquith (1931), q.v.)
the foghorn (short story) gertrude atherton (good hoiusekeeping 11/1933)
the last séance (ss) (dame) agatha christie (ghost stories vol.1 #5, 11/1926 as ''the woman who stole a ghost''; retitled in ''the hound of death'' agatha christie (1933), q.v.) (f&sf vol.2 #2, 4/1951)
against authority (ntte) miriam allen deford (f&sf vol.30 #2, 2/1966)
j-line to nowhere (ntte) zenna henderson (vol.37 #3, 9/1969)
the ship who disappeared (ntte) anne mccaffrey (if vol.19 #3, 3/1969) a helva, brainships story, aka ''the ship who dissembled'' in ''the ship who sang'' anne mccaffrey (1969), q.v.)
the lady was a tramp (ss) judith merril (venture #2 #2, 2/1957; venture atlas bre #3, 11/1963)
the dark land (ntte) c. l. moore (weird tales vol.27 #1, 1/1936) a jirel of joiry story (this comment is from another edition of this book)
manor books second printing, though no earlier printing(s) acknowledged in indica
cover art by ray feibush (unsigned, uncredited; re-used from his wrap-around art for ''the godmakers'' frank herbert (nel 10/1974 uk), q.v. (my identification))
cover price $1.25
192pp. including titles, indicia etc, end pp. (this comment is from another edition of this book)
manor books first printing, though accounted second printing in indicia:
presumably prepared as the second macfadden books mmpb printing - the form of the cat# is essentially that of a macfadden books mmpb, with the initial ''95'' indicating the cover price in cents, but in the event published by the successor company
cover art unsigned, uncredited (it's familiar, but yr hmbl srppnt.'s not yet placed the style mentally...)
cover price 95¢
192pp. including titles, indicia etc, end pp. (this comment is from another edition of this book)
new english library uk p/b first printing, first uk edition
cover art by pauline jones
cover price 60p (check for overseas territories' prices)
192pp. including 6pp. titles, indica etc, end pp. advertising
reprint anthology of five novelettes and three short stories
the last séance (short story) agatha christie (ghost stories vol.1 #5, 11/1926, as "the woman who stole a ghost"; retitled in her collection, "the hound of death" (1933), ..under the new title, in f&sf vol.2 #2, 4/1951)
''god grante that she lye stille'' (novelette) cynthia asquith ("when churchyards yawn" ed. cynthia asquith (1931))
the foghorn (ss) gertrude atherton (good housekeeping 11/1933)
against authority (ntte) miriam allen de forde (f&sf vol.30 #2, 2/1966)
j-line to nowhere (ntte) zenna henderson (f&sf vol.37 #3, 9/1969)
the ship who disappeared (ntte) anne mccaffrey (brainships, helva) (if vol.19 #3, 3/1969); aka "the ship who dissembled" in "the ship who sang" (1969)
the lady was a tramp (ss) judith merril (venture vol.2 #2, 3/1957; venture bre #3, 11/1963)
the dark land (ntte) c. l. moore (jirel of joiry) (weird tales vol.27 #1, 1/1936)
(uk order of three stories varied from the merkin original sequence, #3, #1, #2, #4=, #5=, #6=, #7=, #8=) (this comment is from another edition of this book)