regardable either as a reprint collection of two unlinked novellas,
or as a popular library "double" - one with only one front cover...
cover art by don maitz (signed ''maitz'')
cover price $1.25
192pp. including titles, indicia etc.
check indicia to see if carcass of copy held is stated to've been printed in canada;
this i've not seen/seen reported from the wild, but may nonetheless quite possibly exist:
if yours is, a comment giving the wording stating this would be appreciated. love, ppint.
"the virgin of zesh" (short novel/novella) thrilling wonder stories vol. xli, no.3, 2/1953, two unsigned, uncredited b+w illustrations;
is viagens interplanetarias series #5
#1: "cosmic manhunt" (1954), q.v. for series listing, and links.
''the wheels of if'' (novella) unknown vol. iv #2, 10/1940, five b+w illustrations by ed cartier
first collected in ''the wheels of if (and other science-fiction)'' l. sprague de camp (1949), q.v.
an authorised sequel to "the wheels of if", "the pugnacious peacemaker" by harry s. turtledove, was published together with "the wheels of if" as half a tor books "tor double" series mmpb (1990), q.v.