popular library books are published by
warner books, inc.
666 fifth avenue
new york, n.y. 10103 (usa)
first printing: october 1987
10 9 8 7 6 5 4
256pp. including 6 unnumbered pp. titles, indica etc; novel pp.1-247; 3 unnumbered end pp. advertising 3 alan dean foster titles, the wilderness of four series & the circle of light series, neil hancock, plus mail-order information.
cover art by dave mattingly (credited)
cover price $3.95 u.s. ($4.95 canada; alternate isbn ends -20843-0)
the book bears warner books' popular library's questar logo on spine top and in top lh corner front cover.
#1: "the wizard of 4th street" (1987) (this novel)
#2: "the wizard of whitechapel" (1988), q.v.
#3: "the wizard of sunset strip" (1989), q.v.
#4: "the wizard of rue morgue" (1990), q.v.
#5: "the samurai wizard" (1991), q.v.
#6: "the wizard of santa fe" (1991), q.v.
#7: "the wizard of camelot " (1993), q.v.
#8: "the wizard of lovecraft's cafe" (1993), q.v.
#9: "the last wizard" (1997), q.v.
#9 was announced upon its cover to be the magical culmination of the series.
no uk/uk & commonwealth (excluding canada) editions of #1-9 & #A were licenced;
most or all of the warner books group merkin mmpb editions of the titles were distributed in the uk by cambridge book services ltd. or by the associated(?) wholesalers / distributor, amalgamated book services ltd., bearing large white, initially peelable white labels on their back covers, with bar-codes, bar-code numbers and uk prices printed on in black ink, restocking them as needed for a while. these two wholesalers also distributed a number of other popular library, warner books, and warner books popular library questar series, paperback library, and warner paperback library mmpb fantasy & sf series in the uk. i believe they were based in warehouse(s) & offices at 208 maidstone road, tonbridge, kent (iirc).
there was then a break, and nicholas yermakov/simon hawke seems to have self-published a further novel via amazon, announced upon the front cover to feature ''the wizard of the 4th street'':
#10: ''a spell for the dying'' (2023), q.v.
quite closely associated, but from a slightly different litter:
#A: "the nine lives of catseye gomez" (1992), q.v.
catseye gomez seems to appear first in #6: ''the wizard of santa fe'' (1991), q.v.
but i'll have to re-read the books to be sure that this was his first bow upon the wizard of ~ series' stage.