#1: "pirates of venus" (1934), q.v. for series listing, and links.
the last carson of venus story, though erb, inc. commissioned "skies of venus" from neal romanek; c. 2015 dark horse comics publishers reported they'd obtained this &/or a licence to publish (? a comic or graphic novel of?) this, but i've seen no more about it.
part reprint, part original collection of two stories.
cover art by roy g. krenkel, jr. (credited also for invisible b+w frontispiece°)
cover price 60¢
160pp. including titles, indica etc.
"about the wizard of venus" (nf introduction) richard a. lupoff
forword (nf intro.) edgar rice burroughs (1941)
"the wizard of venus" (novelette) "tales of three planets" edgar rice burroughs (1964), q.v.
(a carson of venus story)
"about pirate blood" (nf intro.) donald a. wollheim (1970 original publication)
"pirate blood" (short novel) (1970 original publication, though written 1932)
1/1973 second ace books printing
cover art & b+w frontispiece by roy krenkel retained
cat# 90191
cover price 75¢
whose indica also provides the publication date of this first printing.
near-identical ?1974? third ace books printing
cover art by roy krenkel retained
cat# 90192
cover price 95¢
erroneously stated to be second printing in its indica
6/1979 ace books printing of the collection revises the title to "the wizard of venus and pirate blood", is re-set (now c. 248pp.), changes to new cover design and cover art by esteban maroto, cover price $1.95; definitely a new bookcat item whenever it and reprints of it get listed.