ppint. 28th Feb 2023
| | uk four square p/b edition contents:
introduction (nf) groff conklin (1962)
the playground (short story) ray bradbury, in ''the illustrated man'' bradbury (rupert hart-davis 1952 & ff., in ballantine h/cvr & p/b and simon & schuster 1967 merkin editions of ''fahrenheit 451''
the other hand (ss) george langelaan f&sf vol.21 #4, 10/1961, f&sf bre vol. iii #3, 2/1962, argosy uk 11/1962 (translation of ''l'autre main'' ) 1961/2
the thing in the cellar (ss) david h. keller, weird tales vol. xix #3, 3/1932
the diary of a madman (ss) guy de maupassant (1903 uncredited translation of ''un fou'' le gaulois 2/9/1885)
the upturned face (non-fantasy ss) stephen crane, ainslee's magazine 5/3/1900
the little man who wasn't quite (ss) william w. stuart, galaxy vol.20 #2, 12/1961
night drive (ss) murray leinster as will f. jenkins, today's woman 3/1950
the song of marya (novelette) walter m. miller, venture vol.1 #2, 3/1957 as ''vengeance for nikolai''
mrs. manifold (ss) august derleth as by stephen grendon, in ''the girl with the hungry eyes and other stories'' ed. anonymously by donald a. wollheim (1949), q.v.
a holy terror (ss) ambrose bierce, the wasp (san francisco, usa) 23/12/1882
impulse (ss) eric frank russell astounding vol. xxii #1, 9/1938, with a b+w illustration by elliot dold
brenda (ss) margaret st. clair, weird tales vol. 46 #1, 3/1954, with a b+w illustration by hannes bok
the tell-tale heart (ss) edgar allen poe, the pioneer vol.1 #1, 1/1843
the shunned house (ntte) h. p. lovecraft (chapbook privately 1928), weird tales vol.30 #4, 10/1937 with a b+w illustration by virgil finlay
the world well lost (ss) theodore sturgeon, universe sf #1, 6/1953, in ''e pluribus unicorn'' sturgeon (1953), q.v. |
ppint. 18th Jul 2019
| | godfrey philips, new english library four square books p/b first printing, first uk edition
reprint weird fantasy & sf anthology of thirteen short stories and two novelettes edited by groff conklin
cover art uncredited, unsigned (i believe it's by josh kirby, misidentified by him/dave langford as appearing on a consul book of the same title and authorship, which edition is non-extant)
cover price 3'6
192pp. including titles, indicia etc, end pp. |