there can only be - two?
mostly reprint anthology themed upon the uniqueness of the unicornute
preface (introduction nf) jack dann and gardner dozois
the calling of paisley coldpony (novelette) michael bishop - iamsf vol. 12 #1, 1/1988
unicornucopia (short story) lawrence watt-evans - (appears to be the original publication)
the black horn (ntte) jack dann - f&sf vol.67 #5, 11/1984
the hole in edgar's hillside (ss) gregory frost - iamsf vol.15 #15, mid-12/1991
the hunting of death: the unicorn (novella) tanith lee - ''night visions I'' ed. alan ryan (1984)
stalking the unicorn with gun and camera (ss) mike resnick - f&sf vol.71 #1, 7/1986
the boy who drew unicorns (ss) jane yolen - ''the unicorn treasury'' ed. bruce coville (1989)
ghost town (ss) jack c. haldeman II - (appears to be the original publication)
the stray (ss) susan caspar and gardner dozois - twilight zone magazine 12/1987
the shade of lo man gong (ss) william f. wu - pulphouse #2, winter/1988
the princess, the cat, and the unicorn (ss) patricia c. wrede - ''the unicorn treasury'' ed. bruce coville (1989)
naked wish-fulfillment (ntte) janet kagan - pulphouse #3, spring/1989
selected bibliography (nf) uncredited
cover art by (william) neal mcpheeters (credited)
cover price ($5.99 canada) $4.99 u.s.
256pp. including titles, indica, table-of-contents etc, end pp. advertising