This is an odd one with the European Cat# being 07822 19080 2 and nearly all of the rest of the world (except Japan and South Africa) using 07822-19080-2 and the same barcode. For some reason though Israel has used the EU Cat# 07822 19080 2 so does that make issues with both Cat#s international? Israel is shaping up to be a problem as it seems common practice for distributors there to import CDs from the EU and release them with a "distributed by ......" tag but they are the very same CD and they don't change any of the details. Spain, an EU country, for some reason uses the Cat# 07822-19080-2 that puts their release in with the rest of the world category.
So the question is do we make two separate international entries on the grounds the of the hyphenated or otherwise Cat# or just go by country/region of release. I know it seems ludicrous but the list of releases and images here back up my assessment. I think we may need to make Israeli releases special cases as we do for Italy otherwise a lot of EU releases will have to be made international as they are in fact the very same identical CDs. The endless conundrum continues...and evidence just seems to compound the problems rather than point to the way forward.