reissue producer: orrin keepnews
sequenced by artie shaw
remastering engineer, and digital transfers: dennis ferrante
CEDAR restoration by paul brizzi
rvavictor (no space) & bmg logos of equal weight on disc, rear inlay, and back of insert booklet.
3pp band details per track, specifying no vocals on tracks 4, 13 & 18, and 4pp notes by lauren schoenberg, in 12pp front insert booklet which is printed in usa as is rear inlay.
- no, the only name - other than artie shaw's - or logo on either of the spines of the rear inlay is bmg's downward-pointing red triangle. ( i do not know, but i s'spect that bmg might've begun the process to free themselves from having to pay ge/general electric company for the licence to use rca, victor, rca victor - or even "rcavictor". . .)
(& "cdcat"'s international flag isn't very accurate a tool, but would seem to be called for when a release is, or appears to be, designed for sale in any two or more of: yeurrp, merkia, xxxxia, asia, japan, singapore-(?malaysia?)-indonesia (& -?-), & (?southern?) africa.): it may need serious revision.)
Found the full release date in Amazon, confirmed by the January 2001 issue of the ICE Newsletter. I can't confirm whether or not this is International, but it seems it didn't get an Australian release, not being listed in Platterlog. Again a major company makes it hard to tell what the labels are, but I would say BMG is a corporate logo only, not a label, and my experience is that the CD spines would probably only show RCA Victor.