After MCA bought Motown in June 1988, they standardised the catalogue numbers across all formats, because it wasn't unusual to see a Motown LP in the 2800 "Motown Classic Vinyl" series, a cassette in the 5000 series, and a CD in the 9000 series, so what had been MCD09016 on "Greatest Hits" became MOTD-5233, and that is the CD number that appeared in MCA's July 1989 catalogue. PolyGram retained any altered numbers after they took over distribution in October 1991, with the MOT-/MOTC-/MOTD- prefixes being replaced by 37463, and 1, 2 or 4 tacked on the end to indicate format.
Inside Folder It Indicates CDs And Cassettes Also Available.
Greatest Hits M5233 Which I Believe Was Only LP And Cassette Although It Was Released On Elite Series 9016 May 1987 So Don't Know If This Was What They Meant.
My Guy MOTD-5167 Was Released Jan 16, 1989.