This is a singularly Australian release Phil, and correctly listed. If we go the New Zealand route we may also have to look at the other controversial market sharing part of the world which is the USA and Canada. Many CDs from the USA and Canada have the same details but are listed separately here on the site. Technically, they all should be international but that really would put the cat among the pigeons, wouldn't it? I still would prefer them listed separately but that's not the way we're meant to do it here. Unfortunately because most people can't be bothered with checking the details of other CDs from different countries what we have here on the site is a lot CDs that should in fact be international. Well, according to the site guidelines. However, most people just disregard those and enter CDs how they see fit.
Changing them all over would be a nightmare and the category itself is certainly not the "catch all" it was intended to be. Most CDs still have 6-10 different combinations of cat#, label and bar code that serve 6-10 different markets or countries if you like. So just because products in the EU have lost their national and regional (EU) identity doesn't necessarily make this a global phenomenon.
Hopefully this one is non-controversial country wise, as the catalogue number is 12 digits different from the 1999 European issue (why?), and the barcode is completely different to the catalogue number. Though, could this have been released in New Zealand too?