SOLVED; close look at cat. no. should have done it, but just pulled my HMV sticker from back of my CLASSIC YEARS 1998 issue of this, and clearly that is what this rear image shows.
The '92 inlay has cat. no. above barcode and other formats info to left, plus only Phonogram log to bottom left. Additionally it has red spines.
The '98 version having black spines. Thanks.
Before I alter anything here, what issue is collst's images from (country)?
(I see an import sticker for India on the back there)
....since collst made the entry, and added the images, is it easier to simply modify thedetails here to match the images, then make a new entry for the other issue from details (barcode etc.) here?
... Or make a new entry for the images here, then have someone else supply new images to this page?
If we can identify these images' issue, I can simply make a new entry for them (provided not already in the system) and shove them over, and leave this clear for appropriate images.
Hi leonard; totally agree. Collst is a very naughty .... person.
The 'back' picture is defininately not for the (UK) / Europe version detailed above and the small print and cat. nos do not match my copy bought at the time of release.
Therefore that 'back' image should be removed immediatly, at least.
This has a totally different cat# and barcode than entered here!!!! If we don't pay attention when entering the whole site will become a terrible mess. The release date for this is also just copied from the other entry and therefore probably wrong.