CD Albums

CD Album

Artist:Various Artists
Title:The Michigan Box: 1950s & 1960s Oddball Labels
Label:  Be! Sharp
Format:CD Box Set
Genre:Rockabilly, Rock & Roll
Collection:  I Own It     I Want It 
Community: 3 Own, 1 Wants
Price Guide:$208
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CD 1
1-01The Blue EchoesO'MiseryPalmiterRate
1-02The Blue EchoesRebel TrainPalmiterRate
1-03The Blue EchoesTossin' And Turnin'R. Adams, M. ReneRate
1-04Rufus Shoffner And Joyce SongerOrbit TwistRufus ShoffnerRate
1-05Kelly Rogers And Joyce SingoRaindropsRufus ShoffnerRate
1-06Frank HammacWolrd Of PleasureFrank HammacRate
1-07The AtlanticsHeartburnJeff WilliamsRate
1-08The AtlanticsMonkey TreeJeff WilliamsRate
1-09Kathy HawkRocket To The MoonAlberta MullinsRate
1-10Lenny And The ThundertonesHomicidalL. DrakeRate
1-11Dwight Douglas And The JayhawkersInterstate 45L. Drake, J. StokesRate
1-12Dick ArmstrongI Wamnta Go Steady With YouGibbs, RollinsRate
1-13Lafayette YarboroughCool Cool BabyGibbs, RollinsRate
1-14Lafayette YarboroughLivin' DollGibbs, RollinsRate
1-15The ChantellsLong Tall SallyJohnson, Penniman, BlackwellRate
1-16The ChantellsRockin' RevelieR. Dabbs, A. BlazekRate
1-17The Princetons FiveGoin' NowhereBilly Kenn, Rich HimesRate
1-18The Princetons FiveDeadmanBilly KennRate
1-19Bobby GoodCrawl BackB. GoodRate
1-20The FlamethrowersIntensityStratton, Bergman, Day, HindereRate
1-21The FlamethrowersWhippy WowBergman, Day, Hindere, StrattonRate
1-22Max CullerMr. JohnsonLarry McCloskeyRate
1-23Clarence Walton And Walton Brothers BandThe CatRate
1-24Chubby MartinSoul SalesmanW. MartinRate
1-25Bob And The RockbilliesBaby Why Did You Have To GoR. ReinhardtRate
1-26Bob And The RockbilliesYour Kind Of LoveR. ReinhardtRate
1-27The Blue EchoesCool GuitarPalmiterRate
1-28The Blue EchoesIt's WitchcraftPalmiterRate
1-29Denny Jorden With The FortuneairesYou'll Be LonelyDennis J. BejesterRate
1-30Leon James With Walter Atkins And His Homotone'sBaby Let's RockG. Woods, Leon JamesRate
1-31Leon James With Walter Atkins And His Homotone'sRide That TrainG. Noble, Leon JamesRate
1-32The MillionairesArkansas JaneDallas FrazierRate
1-33Eddie JacksonBlues I Can't HideLynn, JacksonRate
CD 2
2-01Ron Allers And His Rhythm MastersHeartless WomanRon AllersRate
2-02Bob And His NeptunesNight StreetBob SmithRate
2-03The EgyptiansTwin SpinC. Grapp, E. Lebioda, G. KowalskiRate
2-04The FlamethrowersSuzetteStratton, BergmanRate
2-05The FlamethrowersThe Knights CaperStratton, BergmanRate
2-06Jimmy LeeBaby, Baby, BabyRate
2-07Jimmy LeeShe's GoneJim WilliamsRate
2-08Palford BradyL-O-V-EP. BradyRate
2-09Ray Taylor And Alabama PalsClocking My CardRay TaylorRate
2-10Ray Taylor And Alabama PalsConnie LouRay TaylorRate
2-11Ray Taylor And Alabama PalsMy Hamtramck BabyRay TaylorRate
2-12Ray Taylor With The Alabama PalsI'll Never Let You Weary My Mind Any MoreRed Foley, Earl MannRate
2-13Hugh Friar And Virginia VagabondsI Can't Stay Mad At YouHugh FriarRate
2-14Hugh Friar And Virginia VagabondsEmpty ArmsHugh FriarRate
2-15Ford Nix And MoonshinersAin't No Sign I Wouldn't If I CouldJohn NixRate
2-16Ford Nix And MoonshinersNine Times Out Of TenJohn NixRate
2-17Curly Dan And Jim Maynard With The Danville Mountain TrioI Flubbed My DubCurly Dan, Wilma AnnRate
2-18Curly Dan And Jim Maynard With The Danville Mountain TrioYou'll Be The One To CryCurly Dan, Wilma AnnRate
2-19Bill SwainRenfro Valley HomeArr. Bill SwainRate
2-20Paul And LarryJust A CheaterPaul Holder, Helen Holder, Larry LewisRate
2-21Lenny And The ThundertonesThunder ExpressThundertonesRate
2-22Johnny Guitar And The Rhythm-AiresZaragozaRate
2-23Pal BradyMore Lovin'P. BradyRate
2-24The Country MisfitsHello There MisterRoger LaRueRate
2-25Johnny Buckett And His Cumberland River BoysHippie In A BlunderBill (Elmer) BochRate
2-26Jimmy Wayne And The GalaxiesYou Shake MeJimmy WayneRate
2-27The CimbalasCrazy TomArmstrong, VickeryRate
2-28Bobby Bond And The BanditsSweet LoveR. ReinhardtRate
2-29Curly Dan And Wilma Ann And The Danville Mt. BoysMixed Up LifeWilma AnnRate
2-30Danny And The GalaxiesAd LibGreg WinnRate
2-31Danny And The GalaxiesIf You Want To Be My BabyDanny SullivanRate
2-32Chuck Dockery And The Four BuddiesNashville, TennesseeP. Jones, R. GallegherRate
2-33Tino And The RevlonsRave OnPetty, Tilghman, WestRate
2-34Chuck Dockery And The Four BuddiesRock While We RideP. Jones, E. KirkRate
CD 3
3-01The DeltronsTonyaDan Richards, Greg YoungRate
3-02Danny Zella And The Zell RocksSapphireDanny ZellaRate
3-03The SabresBounty HunterThe SabresRate
3-04Connie DycusI Could Shoot Myself (If I Wasn't Afraid Of A Gun)Dycus, GillRate
3-05Frank Zolton With Town And Country BoysCats EyesFrank ZoltonRate
3-06The D&S WildcatsWildcatenDale DixonRate
3-07The Royal PlayboysGoodbye BoCliff BramlettRate
3-08The EmanonsStomperRate
3-09Bobby Dee And The CrestlinersGraveyard TwistRate
3-10Bobby Dee And The CrestlinersJerry's TwistRate
3-11Chuck KingI'm Gonna Be A Wheel SomedayHayes, Bartholomew, DominoRate
3-12Jimmy Williams And The DriftersIf You Could Love MeJimmy WilliamsRate
3-13Jimmy Williams And The DriftersTeardrops And MemoriesJimmy WilliamsRate
3-14Barry RayeTwilight ZoneB. CombsRate
3-15The HesitationsWild Little WillieRon Hawkins, Jacquline MagillRate
3-16The FugitivesOn TrialDave LeoneRate
3-17The Renegades VWine, Wine, WineAllday, Shine, Schwartz, Debaub, HauflerRate
3-18Bob Harris And The Kings Four (Voc. Buck Knight)Bertha LouMarascalcoRate
3-19The E'LitesWhat Are We Gonna Call It? You Got Me!Hart, Halstead, SchultzRate
3-20Hank WintersHoneymoon ExpressR. Morrison, H. WintersRate
3-21Roy Moss With Cliff Allen's BandWiggle Walkin' BabyHowardRate
3-22Roy Moss With Cliff Allen's BandYes Juanita's MineHowardRate
3-23The MysterionsAmnesiaBizon, Bizon, Goins, BevanRate
3-24The MysterionsTransylvaniaBizon, Bizon, Goins, BevanRate
3-25The Lincoln TrioShake DownFranklin, Howard, Davidson, JacobsRate
3-26The MyterionsDown HillGasparetto, Vernarsky, SladichRate
3-27Jimmy CarrollBig Green CarAllen, Howard, BoladianRate
3-28The ScavengersCurfueRate
3-29Flat Top's Rabble Rousers (Voc. Norm Childs)CoverupNorm Childs, Al DalyRate
3-30The FlintalesFlintales RockThe FlintalesRate
3-31The VulcansJamboVulcansRate
3-32The VulcansShimmy ShuffleVulcansRate
3-33The FlintalesD-RailThe FlintalesRate
CD 4
4-01Earl Songer And His Rocky Road RamblersMother-In-Law BoogieEarl SongerRate
4-02Hubert Friar And His Hillbilly HicksJoe's Mandolin BoogieJoe Baumgardner, Hubert FriarRate
4-03Jimmy Myers And His Happy Highway GangDrunk Man's WiggleJimmy MyersRate
4-04Jimmy Myers And His Happy Highway GangDing Dong Mama From TennesseeJimmy Myers, Dorothy S. BrownRate
4-05Forest Rye With String BandWild Cat BoogieRye, PyleRate
4-06Boots Gilbert And Bob Sykes With Chuck Hatfield And The Treble-AiresTake It Or Leave ItDorothy Summers BrownRate
4-07Boots Gilbert With Chuck Hatfield And The Treble-AiresMan! Turn Me LooseDorothy Summers Brown, A. BrownRate
4-08Cal Davis And His Tennessee KingsPartnership Love AffairCal DavisRate
4-09Eddie Jackson And His SwingstersRock And Roll BabyJackson, FranklinRate
4-10Buster Turner And His Pinnacle Mt. BoysThat Old Heartbreak ExpressB. Turner, R. Ford, D. NeikirkRate
4-11Bill Hicks And The SoutherneersBlue FlameBill HicksRate
4-12Bill Hicks And The SoutherneersShe's Done GoneBill HicksRate
4-13Roy Rector And Slim BradfordI Didn't Know I Loved YouSlim BradfordRate
4-14Jimmy LeeYou Ain't No Good For MeJimmy WilliamsRate
4-15Pete De Bree And The WanderersMy Bucket's Got A Hole In ItHank WilliamsRate
4-16Roy RectorHeard The Back Door SlamRoy RectorRate
4-17Pete De Bree And The WanderersHey, Mr. PresleyJimmy FranklinRate
4-18Pete De Bree And The WnderersLong Tall Lou (From Louisville)Jimmy FranklinRate
4-19The Whirl Wind EvangelistsNo GraveRate
4-20Dell Vaughn With The Fortune AiresRock The UniverseDell Vaughn, Fred BuchananRate
4-21Don RaderRock And Roll GrandpapDon RaderRate
4-22The Terrigan Brothers With The SterlingsHi Ho Little GirlRate
4-23Ellis Kirk And The Town And Country BoysFlamingo RockLyle CollinsRate
4-24Ellis Kirk And The Town And Country BoysSweetie PieEllis KirkRate
4-25The Tennessee Harmony BoysI'm A MillionaireEdgar PaceRate
4-26The Hunt Sisters And Mark With Roy Hall And His BoysElvis Is Rocking AgainEsta HuntRate
4-27Jim Myers And Tex Regan With Jim Myers And His GemsPretty Baby RockJim Myers, Tex ReganRate
4-28Jim Myers And His GemsJ And D HopJim Myers, Tex ReganRate
4-29Jim Myers And His Gems With The MontclairsOh! Baby BabyJim Myers, Tex ReganRate
4-30The Hunt SistersI'm Not Gonna Take It AnymoreEsta HuntRate
4-31Danny Richards And The Country Rhythm BoysYou Can't Stop Me From Loving YouDevora BrownRate
4-32Danny Richards And The Country Rhythm BoysOne Way Tickets To TennesseeRichards, OakesRate
4-33Curly Dan And Wilm Ann And The Danville Mt. BoysNorth On 23Curly Dan, Wilma AnnRate
CD 5
5-01Nolan Strong And The DiablosTry Me One More TimeNolan StrongRate
5-02George Young, His Guitar And BandBuggin' BabyGeorge Young, Jerry GrallerRate
5-03George Young, His Guitar And BandShakin' ShellyGeorge Young, Jerry GrallerRate
5-04The CatalinasDestructionThe CatalinasRate
5-05The CatalinasLong WalkThe CatalinasRate
5-06Floyd Smith With The MontclairsGranpa's Gully RockFloyd SmithRate
5-07The Nite SoundsCheese CakeVaden, Chittenden, Malamis, SmithRate
5-08Butch Vaden And The Nite SoundsThe RollVaden, Malamus, ChittendenRate
5-09Eddie StapletonWell I'm WeakEddie StapletonRate
5-10The Royal JokersI Don't Like You That MuchNoah HowellRate
5-11Little Ernest Tucker And Ted Walker OrchestraGonna Get Me A SatelliteErnest TuckerRate
5-12Little Ernest Tucker And Ted Walker OrchestraToo Small To DanceErnest TuckerRate
5-13Earl ChatmanLoving You BabyEarl ChatmanRate
5-14Earl ChatmanTake Two Steps BackEarl ChatmanRate
5-15Andre (Bacon Fat) Williams With The Inspirations / Joe Weaver And His Blue Note OrchestraI Still Love YouAndre WilliamsRate
5-16The LapelsBad LuckDonald RossRate
5-17The Continental FourJack The RipperFred WeusmantelRate
5-18The Continental FourScrambleCharlie WintersRate
5-19Johnny BuckettGriddle Greasin' DaddyRate
5-20Johnny BuckettLet Me Play With Your PoodleRate
5-21Jimmy Kirkland With Stan Getz And Tom CatsCome On BabyJimmy KirklandRate
5-22Jimmy Kirkland With Stan Getz And Tom CatsI Wonder If You WonderCecelia BoronRate
5-23Danny Zella And His Zell RocksBlack SaxsDanny ZellaRate
5-24Danny Zella And His Zell RocksWicked RubyDanny ZellaRate
5-25Bobby SmithBevy MaeBobby SmithRate
5-26Bobby SmithShe's Gone From MeBobby SmithRate
5-27The SabresBomp BompSabresRate
5-28The SabresRustlerSabresRate
5-29B. Goode And BandHo Key Po Key RockB. GoodeRate
5-30B. Goode And BandSabotageB. GoodeRate
5-31Keith O'MalleyTurned Out (Alvera)K. O'MalleyRate
5-32The NeutronsCut-OutGuy LoreRate
CD 6
6-01Vic GallonI'm GoneShaffer, MyersRate
6-02Howard PerkinsDouble Clutchin' ManStan Lane, H. PerkinsRate
6-03Howard PerkinsMy Maw Didn't Raise No FoolStan LaneRate
6-04The TorquaysBusting PointLeinninger, Rowe, LazarevichRate
6-05The TorquaysThe Other SideLeinninger, Rowe, LazarevichRate
6-06The Huron Valley BoysWhen It's Judgement DayA. Davenport, W. ChristianRate
6-07George Brady And The KingsmenTell Me Why?George BradyRate
6-08Pete Goble And Billy Gill With The Kentucky RebelsCherokeeJohnny Goble, La Verne WrightRate
6-09Pete Goble And Billy Gill With The Kentucky RebelsColumbusClay Edwards, La Verne WrightRate
6-10Harold L. And The OffbeatsConnieHarold SligerRate
6-11Harold L. And The OffbeatsThree YearsHarold Sliger, La Verne WrightRate
6-12Jim Bagley And The Country FourCome On InJim BagleyRate
6-13Glynn Archer And The Bowman'sSoonerPaul PoundersRate
6-14The Rim ShotsThe Native DanceGoble, Lynn, RaymondRate
6-15Curly Dan And Wilm Ann And The Danville Mt. BoysSouth On No. 23Curly Dan, Wilma AnnRate
6-16Jimmy Hayes With The Camey Ridge RamblersTom Cat BoogieBill BaberRate
6-17Rick Roll And The AurorasTo The Dancing PartyRick Roll, Jim Fulton, Sam PenxaRate
6-18Al Burnette And His Southern SwingstersHumpty DumptyAl BurnetteRate
6-19Al Burnette And His Southern SwingstersLookie Here, BabyAl BurnetteRate
6-20Thomas Green With Tennessee Tom And His Rhythm BoysI'd Rather Make LoveThomas W. GreenRate
6-21Bill Hicks And His SoutherneersSugar Coated LiesBill HicksRate
6-22Farris Wilder And His BandIt's All Your FaultLaddie Price, Marie MooreRate
6-23Shorty Frog And His Space CatsI'm Glad We Didn't Say GoodbyeEarl (Shorty Frog) AllenRate
6-24Shorty Frog And His Space CatsSheddin' Tears Over YouEarl (Shorty Frog) AllenRate
6-25Jimmy Gartin With The HighlandersGonna Ride That SateliteJimmy GartinRate
6-26Rufus Shoffner And Joyce SongerIt Always Happens To MeRufus ShoffnerRate
6-27Rufus Shoffner And Joyce SongerEvery Little RaindropRufus ShoffnerRate
6-28Cherokee Chief And His Oaklahoma RockersLittle Mama TwistRabbit NolenRate
6-29Rufus Shoffner And Speedy RodgersLovelightJoyce SongerRate
6-30Bobby BernellMove Over Big Dog (Let A Little Dog In)Devora BrownRate
6-31Cherokee ChiefMean And Evil BluesSkeets McDonaldRate
6-32Patti LynnSame Old BluesLynn, JacksonRate
CD 7
7-01Jimmie ClickPolecat HollowJimmie ClickRate
7-02The Gardenias (Tempos)I'm Laughing At YouJohn Gibson, Lee HolliselRate
7-03The Ferros With Nick And His JaguarsTough CatJohnny FerroRate
7-04The PhaetonsFlingPhaetonsRate
7-05Dave Hamilton And His PeppersCooter BugDave HamiltonRate
7-06Dave Kirk And The Candy MenOh! BabyDave Kirk, Butch VadenRate
7-07Kenny LayneJoannKenny LayneRate
7-08The Hound DogsHound Dog BoogieRate
7-09Big Daddy GBig Berry (Boss Man Guitar)L. Drake, J. StokesRate
7-10Howard PerkinsUnder ControlStan LaneRate
7-11Lum HatcherWhite Lightning'n ExcessH. MillsRate
7-12Carl Martin TrioAin't No Grave Gonna Hold My Body DownRev. Claude ElyRate
7-13The Gospel TravelersSpiritual LadderHomer McCowanRate
7-14Wade And The NationalsButterflyThe NationalsRate
7-15Eddy Janson And The Van DellsWhat I SayRate
7-16Jimmy JacksonNever Tell A LieJ.JacksonRate
7-17Wayne Roberts And The CountrymenStomping GroundMartin, MooreRate
7-18The LyonairesWhy You Been Gone So LongRate
7-19Barbara Tennant With The Band Of Hindle ButtsRock, Baby, RockBarbara TennantRate
7-20Briant HollandShockB.Gordy, R. L. GordyRate
7-21Billy Sharpe And His SharptonesHippitty HopBilly SharpeRate
7-22Chuck MannLittle Miss MuffetC. SolomonRate
7-23The DynamitesDynamiteGoldRate
7-24The DynamitesRosie LeeCarrRate
7-25Little Mac And The BravadoesCinderellaMcCardleRate
7-26Little Mac And The BravadoesDance Baby (With Me)McCardleRate
7-27Bob And The BanditsI'm Gonna Stop Cryin'Bob ReinhardtRate
7-28Chuck Slaughter With Buddy Ray And The ShamrocksLucky 11 RockOtis EllisRate
7-29Roxie Williams With Buddy Ray And The ShamrocksFifteen SecondsJack Ripley, Fred BuchananRate
7-30The BossmenHelp Me BabyDick WagnerRate
7-31The EgyptiansInkster BoogieH. Hanks, J. MathewsRate
7-32The EgyptiansThe Party StompH. Hanks, J. MathewsRate
7-33Roy KellyRock And Roll RockRoy KellyRate
CD 8
8-01Johnny And The DriftersRimshotRate
8-02Mel SmithCall Me ShadrachMel SmithRate
8-03Dennis Bice And The Rhythm RidersJoggerD. BiceRate
8-04Jimmie MurphyThere's No Use In Me Loving YouJ. Poole, M. Kimbrough, T. WeatherspoonRate
8-05Frank Monday And The SteppersSteppingKenneth EllisRate
8-06The MedallionsBlowin' Through Yokahama (Part 1)Rate
8-07The MedallionsBlowin' Through Yokahama (Part 2)Rate
8-08Danny And The Nitro-TonesInternational WhirlD. BrichtaRate
8-09The EpitonesEpitone TwistD. Hendrickson, D. CrosbyRate
8-10The EpitonesThe Mighty RumbleDennis CrosbyRate
8-11Rusty Dunn With Wayne Roberts And The CountrymenProduction LineJessie BarkelRate
8-12Jim Hall And His Radio PalsSeventh HeavenJim HallRate
8-13Billy Lee And The RamblersTrav'linBilly LeeRate
8-14Tom Carter And The RamrodsFlyin' Saucer TwistTom CarterRate
8-15Tom Carter And The RamrodsTwistin' BoogieTom CarterRate
8-16Sandy SalyersExtra BoyfriendsSandy SalyerRate
8-17Tom And The TornadoesLong Pony TailC. ThorpRate
8-18Nick Harris And The SoundbarriersBig NickN. Harris, A. PunturiRate
8-19Dean-O-Delray And His DelRaysBallad Of Billy The KidO. DavidsonRate
8-20Dean-O-Delray And His DelRaysLucky StarO. DavidsonRate
8-21Zookie And The PotentatesBachelors Got It MadeMichael SnyderRate
8-22Zookie And The PotentatesTelephonyMichael SnyderRate
8-23The Rhythm Rockers (Voc. Leon James)Thinkin' About YouI. Laing, R. SzilapyRate
8-24The Tempos [Detroit 50s]It's ToughThe TemposRate
8-25The Tempos [Detroit 50s]Sham-RockArr. Johnnie GibsonRate
8-26Norm Allen And The RenegatesBaby, What's A Matter With YouN. AllenRate
8-27Norm Allen And The RenedatesJust One Woman's ManN. AllenRate
8-28The Three Ramblers (Voc. Jerald Boykin)If You Call That LoveR. Jochim, T. Slitz, J. BoykinRate
8-29The Three Ramblers (Voc. Jerald Boykin)Walking, Talking BabydollR. Jochim, T. Slöitz, J. BoykinRate
8-30Carl And Evert And The Golden Strings QuartetI Have Found The WayAdger M. PaceRate
8-31The Pleasant Valley BoysHighway To HeavenDon RenoRate
8-32John WackerHallelujah SideRev. J. Oatman Jr., J. H. EntwisleRate
8-33Judy Leonard With Arnold Patton And Jack MolletteAct Like A ManDave AtkinsRate
8-34The Princetons FiveRoll Over BeethovenChuck BerryRate
CD 9
9-01The Wildwood PlayboysWildlifeBob Randall Jr.Rate
9-02B. Sisco And The Melo-DairesI'll Find YouB. CiscoRate
9-03The StarlightersCindy LeePallister, Kirsch, MillerRate
9-04The StarlightersWicked RubyD. ZellaRate
9-05Pete Cummins And The Redeemers FourIn The Middle (Of The Night)J. KistlerRate
9-06Pete Cummins And The Redeemers FourThe Surfin' FreezeD. Jerman, P. CumminsRate
9-07Virgil BakerOohee Wee Your SweetVirgil BakerRate
9-08Forrest Green And The RangersPovertyF. GreenRate
9-09John J.Shotgun Weddin'E. JohnstonRate
9-10Grant DoomSee How Ya AreG. DoomRate
9-11Freeman KeithUgly DucklingF. KeithRate
9-12Johnny Buckett And His Cumberland River BoysGriddle Greasin' DaddyLewis StarrRate
9-13Gene Nitz And The W. Va. RamblersI Don't Know What I'm Looking ForGene NitzRate
9-14The Thunder RocksJohnny SaxJerome PejeckyRate
9-15The Thunder RocksWhat's The WordJerome PejeckyRate
9-16The BlazersGraveyardFreeman, MessersmithRate
9-17Kenny OwensCome Back BabyK. OwensRate
9-18Kenny OwensFrog Man HopK. OwensRate
9-19Lloyd HowellFroggy Went A-Courtin'HowellRate
9-20Lloyd HowellMy Baby's GoneHowellRate
9-21The Low-RocksSnooker (Like Pool)Low-RocksRate
9-22Quintet PlusGrits 'n GreaseD. WarrenRate
9-23The Thunder RocksWarpathThe Thunder RocksRate
9-24Fred Farrah With The Hitch-HikersSettle DownFred FarrahRate
9-25The ValiantsWild PartyThe ValiantsRate
9-26The Thunder Rocks (Voc. Pat LaRose)Oh, My LindaPat LaRoseRate
9-27Aubrey Bradford With Brad's OrchestraGet Your Feet On The FloorAubrey BradfordRate
9-28Eddie Jackson's SwingstersBaby DollHal Clark, Bob NortonRate
9-29Danny Zellas RockersYoungster Meets MonsterGorelick, SkalarRate
9-30The Youngsters Featuring Danny Zellas RockersZebraCordell, YoungRate
9-31The Falcons And OrchestraSent UpFinney, TaytumRate
9-32Ron OuderkirkMy Kind Of WomanRon OuderkirkRate
9-33The Teen TonesJumpingWaneRate
9-34Frankie And The TeentonesTold You Little BabyLionel WaneRate
CD 10
10-01Finetones, Inc.Short CircuitDick MartinyRate
10-02Finetones, Inc.The Big "G"Dick MartinyRate
10-03The TreblemakersSpartan StompGeorge ThomRate
10-04The SocietyNicotine FitDavis, Shampine, RenegadesRate
10-05Jackie Carbone With Eddie Bartel And OrchestraJam-UpBiernat, Carbone, DietzRate
10-06Johnny Frazer And The Regal-AiresRock With The MamboAl PierceRate
10-07The Regal-AiresItThe Regal-AiresRate
10-08The Richard BrothersDrunk Driver's ComingH. Richard, R. RichardRate
10-09The Richard BrothersStolen PropertyH. Richard, R. RichardRate
10-10Don Rader And The Five StarsRockin' The BluesDon RaderRate
10-11Jimmy Gartin And His Bad CatsHoney Won't You Love MeJimmy GartinRate
10-12Kenny Lane And His Bull DogsColumbus Stockade BluesRate
10-13Kenny Lane And His Bull DogsFroggy Went A Courtin'Rate
10-14The RamblersBuzzin' BeeL. CurnuttRate
10-15Nick And The JaguarsCool And CrazyJohnny FerroRate
10-16Nick And The JaguarsIch-I-Bon # 1Johnny FerroRate
10-17Don RichardsTraffic JamD. RichardsRate
10-18The Swing KingsJust Fooling AroundH. Shelly, D. Shelly, M. RoushRate
10-19The Swing KingsThe BugH. Shelly, D. Shelly, M. RoushRate
10-20Ken McWilliams And The Twi-LightersDevil On Death HighwayMcWilliamsRate
10-21The SaharasThey Play It WildR. KommererRate
10-22Mr Big And The LittlemenSomething ElseD. PerryRate
10-23NinoRabby BabyN. BocelliRate
10-24The TikisRock-N-RobinThomasRate
10-25Jack And JillIt's All Over NowJill ManisRate
10-26The D-NotesBallin' WireSil AustinRate
10-27Jerry Schafer And The Jacks And JillsSlave DriverJ. Schafer, P. ShawRate
10-28Barry RaySomething From The Twilight ZoneB. CombsRate
10-29Jimmy And Russ WilliamsHigh On The HogHoward WalkerRate
10-30Max Culler And The Carolina TroubadoursSaturday Night At Purser's BarCharles E. SteedRate
10-31Jim BullingtonLove Bug CrawlBullington, FosheeRate
10-32Angie And The MonocosSad As I Can BeRate
10-33Dick Barron And The Jumping JacksMiss AnnRate
10-34The TremolonsWhole Lot Of Shaking Going OnRate


Follow-up to “The Texas Box”
10-CD box-set with 208-page book in Bear Family Style
Again, songs are arranged according to an A-Z of Michigan labels of the time (starting with "Alderay Records" - 1-01 - and finishing with "Wildwood Records" - 10-34). There seems to be a greater number of instrumentals than with the Texas set (so far I have only been able to listen to the first three CDs). Writers' names are taken from the label shots in the book, so some may contain misspelling, some are missing because I could not read the name on the label, and some are missing because the label did not include any such information.

Most if not all songs have been taken from 45s or acetates as - according to the book - mastertapes could not be found. So the sound quality may not be up to some people's standards, but it is still very good considering the age of the records.

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See Also

CD Album
Various Artists - The Florida Box: 1950s & 1960s Oddball Labels - Be! Sharp - Germany (2016)
Next on Label
CD Album
Various Artists - The Texas Box: 1950s & 1960s Oddball Labels - Be! Sharp - Germany (2013)
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