You could well be correct about the release date Phil, the blurb about how to look after CDs does indicate a date in the 80s, and if one of the Mods wants to change it I would have no objection.
Personally I have no idea when I bought it, except it must have been some time after 1991 (when I first got a CD player).
Hi Roger, your copy may well be 1998, due to the absence of a Warner Music Manufacturing Europe credit on the package, but it seems the catalogue number originated much earlier - searching on the barcode at the ISRC site gives a release date of 24th January 1989, and Platterlog lists this as an Australian release on 14th May 1990 (Platterlog did list the catalogue number without the dashes, though, but they tended to ignore dashes and spaces in their listings, not just for WEA but for other companies too). I would go with the January 1989 date, and make this International.