Another profound explaination for myself, if not others too, for being slow to add non original CDs (reissues of vinyl or earlier CDs).
However very very glad to know - possible - answers to such questions, once asked, are readily supplied.
Many thanks.
There are 10 European variants of this release on Discogs and all bar this one hereuse the same "250 715 (16017-2)" Disc,
It looks like the two Cat.No. release here was amalgamated under the one 7567-81471-2 Cat.No., but still used the Discs with two Cat.No's on.
So it's right, but just looks odd.
As to why Australian publishers are on the Discs (all 11 of them btw), i'm not sure.
P.S. the Discogs entry, created 14 years ago, also shows a disc with the Australian publishers, but the images were added only a year ago, and may or may not be the same package as shown here (no wonky printing on "cover 2"), so warrants further investigation.
Probably a mismatch between package and disc; it looks to me that the disc was made in Europe for Australian release, because some of the song publishers listed are Australian companies - Jonathan Music, Festival Music, Matthews Music and J. Albert & Son - so either a factory worker accidentally put an Australian-market disc into a European package, or substitution was made at a later date for another reason.