Fetched this out and compared it again... in addition to the differences I mentioned previously, my cover is not "pink" but grey.
Being as all Cat. No. info is the same, I'd say it is a variation of this, but anyone knows different, and wants to move my scans to create a different listing, that's fine... because I begin to suspect that mine is a little earlier than this.
Hi guys, the CA 851 and WE 835 are indeed pricing codes for France. Not sure what the YS is, possibly a pricing code for Germany, where the disc was made.
Just checked these images against my copy... identical in every way except under the barcode, where it says: "France: CA 851", mine says: "France: WE 835"... and doesn't have the: "YS" appended to the cat no. /barcode Is mine a different version from this one can anyone tell me?