Single CD Profile, Double "Flip-Out" Case with Neil Young Collection Advertisement Booklet, And Neil Young DVD/VHS Advertisement Pamphlet in White Slipcase.
3 Record Set On 2 CDs.
Burton LeB SUBS 3rd Jun 2020
| | Thanks PhilMH, now added with your advice. |
PhilMH SUBS 3rd Jun 2020
| | Skayrkrow, I suggest adding your copy as an Australian release for the time being, even though that's not my preferred option, until such time as the issues around international releases and common barcodes are resolved. Use catalogue number 264 037 as the main catalogue number (which seems to have been the preferred Australian catalogue number from 1988 to at least 2008, at least as far as the Platterlog catalogue is concerned), and use 1988 as the year, as that seems to have been the first year that the number was used in Australia, even though the pressings probably weren't Australian then.
As to how Aussie copies ended up in the U.K., that still boggles my mind! Overstocks are a possibility, if they were so cheap that it was still more economical to get them from Oz rather than the US, even with the extra shipping costs; Universal have sold heaps of overstocks and deletions in Australia via temporary premises over the last couple of decades, generally at about $A5 each, but I don't remember seeing any from Warners or the other companies (and, come to think of it, it's been 6 or 7 years since I've seen any here in Adelaide). |
Burton LeB SUBS 1st Jun 2020
| | Mine was definitely a new and not a pre-owned CD that I bought in Virgin; I will add it to the site later. Apart from the front inlay which has blue instead of brown or grey frame, it is as per the European release but with the 264037 catalogue number on the rear inlay, spines, booklet back page and discs. As mentioned previously, the discs carry the Digital Audio Technologies Australia logos on each. There's no year of manufacture on it anywhere, so what should I put in the required field? Thanks for your help. |
ppint. 1st Jun 2020
| | philmh: there's a further possibility as might be worth considering: on at least two, fairly widely-separated occasions, ordinary retail recorded music sales in the uk, at least, crashed so badly that virgin shops (including virgin-ames°) sourced massive amounts of stock ultra-cheaply from anywhere they could, including on the first occasion italy, whence they obtained inter alia a wide variety of very variable quality (and rather dubious legality (?)) audio cassettes; and cds with minimal, single-fold printed paper front inserts whose outward-facing panel might match the previous saddle-stapled booklet or multiply-folded inserts, but also music on previously unknown-in-the-uk labels with typically single-side-printed, folded paper front inserts - or even single, unfolded front inserts.
is it not possible that these bulk purchases included warners' (and their wholesalers'?) overstocks being shifted to territories for which they were not originally intended, but where warners did hold the rights (or there being little chance warners could ever trace the particular wholesalers selling such "mega job lots" of their overstocks to virgin in the uk, as they weren't meant to) ?
° - the second occasion that i recall was well after the closure of all the virgin-ames shops, including that in lancaster, and well after the prerecorded audiocassette had disappeared |
PhilMH SUBS 1st Jun 2020
| | Interesting...that adds another wrinkle to the issue of central warehousing for international distribution! The only reason that I can think of for Warners supplying Virgin with Australian-made discs is if the UK and/or European warehouses were out of stock for some reason, so they rounded up copies from whichever international affiliates had them, though even then sourcing from the much closer US or Canada would have been more logical. Another possibility is that it was a used copy, purchased from someone who had been in Australia, but I don't ever remember Virgin selling used music on my previous trips to the UK. Has anyone else bought new Australian-made discs anywhere in the UK or Europe through a regular outlet, i.e. not an import store? |
Burton LeB SUBS 31st May 2020
| | hi Phil, thanks for the information. I bought mine in a London branch of the Virgin Megastore in the late 1990s, possibly in one of their end of year sales. |
PhilMH SUBS 31st May 2020
| | Hi SkayrKrow, your copy is a 1992 or later pressing, that was the year that D.A.T.A. was estalbished (a joint venture between Warners and EMI). Discogs has 3 Aussie-pressed variants, two of them also showing "Manufactured and Distributed by Warner Music Australia" on the labels (though one variant doesn't have images). I would expect these to have been distributed in Australia only (and maybe New Zealand), so I am just wondering how you managed to get one in the UK? |
Burton LeB SUBS 30th May 2020
| | I've got a release of this CD with the catalogue number 264 037, (barcode 7599-27233-2) and it has a Digital Audio Technologies Australia logo on each of the discs, although the rear case inlay has 'manufactured in Germany / pressé en Allemagne. Is mine an Australian issue? Clarity needed, please! |
PhilMH SUBS 30th May 2020
| | I would be inclined to combine all the European (etc...) issues under one entry, showing both the original catalogue number 264 037 (no entry for that number on this site yet) and the later number 7599-27233-2, because:
(a) all editions have the same barcode, and the guide to adding CD's on this site still stresses barcode as the primary identifier; and
(2) Discogs has this edition which shows the new catalogue number on the package but the original catalogue number on the discs! I imagine it's a transitional issue where WEA still had plenty of original discs in stock at the time that they were reformatting their international catalogue numbers; Discogs shows 134 owners, so it can't be a case of an owner or shop replacing old packages with new ones.
As for the release date to be used, I would go with the earliest one, which seems to be 1988. We probably won't be able to pin down an exact date unless someone is prepared to contact Warner Music and ask them (a job for someone else, I think, as I'm not a Neil Young fan!). For what it's worth (!), the German National Library says just 1988 for the 264 037 version, but doesn't bring up anything for 7599-27233-2. |
Magic Marmalade 29th May 2020
| | So does anyone have hard and fast dates for these Decades' ?
They keep coming back to correction queues for date changes, back and forth. |
rocket666 22nd Feb 2020
| | Made comment by the 1990 listing about the ad insert shown there. Now found this slipcase 'version' - mine does still have the two colour advert inserts.
To nboldock etal the case for a 2002 promotion date rests a bit in the 19th and last Guiness Book of Hit ..... pg 615 this cat no. hit the chart in JUL that year. |
PhilMH SUBS 17th Sep 2017
| | Three pressings all from Europe? Which of those three was also released in Australia? And South Africa? And the United Arab Emirates? And St. Vincent & The Grenadines? Papua New Guinea even? (I hear Neil's really big there). |
Lee Wrecker 16th Sep 2017
| | All the rides in the park are the same Magic. They may have different facades and gatekeepers but once you pays yer money and get on you can't get off as Greg has found out. Lucky for me I have a job to periodically keep me away from the lure of 45 Worlds and endless fussing over minor details. Now what can I see lying around I haven't scanned and entered yet? Oh, here I go again into the vortex. Only 15 000 to go Magic - will Friday next week be convenient? |
gregs45s SUBS 16th Sep 2017
| | :) Life? MM,is there another life other than 45 Worlds then?,i must get out more;) |
Magic Marmalade 16th Sep 2017
| | Sorry for the delay on this one chaps...
...this particular ultra-competent mod has been (when not living his life) wading through the 15000 cd entries that need approving, dealing with the other corrections, adding links to artist pages, merging artists, and so on.
And what with the added fun of the doubtful logic of CDs, the fun never ends.
I shall endeavour to pull my socks up, being so very 'umble, and beg your forgiveness in this matter.
...As it happens, I've just tried merging these, and there is some kind of system error, which won't let it pass at the moment. I shall report it, and it shall be fixed anon (ish).
In the meantime, might I suggest some of the other very good rides in the park, where we are sure you will have a most splendid time :) |
gregs45s SUBS 16th Sep 2017
| | I've put in a request to merge all three,they are,after all,simply reissues using the same Cat.No.,so there is no reason to separate any of them,as,traditionally,all reissues are entered along with the first entry,so long as they share the same Cat.No./barcode/label.And there is nothing special about any of these to warrant separate entries IMHO,it's only the packaging that has changed on the 2002 reissue,it's just a matter of merging images and identifying them by date in the description fields of the images,starting with 1990,the first issue,then 1993,then 2002 (it will only take 5 mins or so by one of our ultra-competent Mod's;)
This is actually a fairly rare occurance amongst later reissues,i.e.rare that exactly the same Cat.No./label/barcode has been used throughout,normally,something would have changed (additional Cat.No./they way the Cat.No. has been written/label/different barcode etc),but here,they have remained the same,so,fairly unusual,and not something we'd have to do every day:) |
ady_lister 15th Sep 2017
| | I'd argue that this entry is a definitely a dupe of this one though I don't know which is the correct release date.
The 2002 re-release I'd say was technically a re-promotion which came in an outer card slipcase. But is same artwork / barcode / cat# otherwise.
Whether the slipcase makes it count as a separate release - I'll let others decide. |
gregs45s SUBS 14th Sep 2017
| | There are now 3 "Decades" on the system,sharing the same Cat.No./barcode/labels,one 1990 one 1993 and 2002,so they need a bit of sorting out/merging using the earliest date,ta;) |
nboldock 8th Jul 2014
| | I've added a few of Neil's, need to add the scans, and I've also got "Unplugged" to add as well which I overlooked when adding the others. Unless someone gets in first (please do).
I've changed the date btw, though I'd like to see some more conclusive evidence that it IS 2002 if anyone can shed any light. |
Magic Marmalade 8th Jul 2014
| | The Proverbial: "DOH!"
I Can't even remember buying this, but I was recalling it as being in the nineties... but I suppose if it's advertising a DVD, that makes sense! "DOH!"...again.
I put this up first as Neil Young seemed woefully unrepresented on the site, as far as CDs go, and I grabbed it off the shelf last night and had at it!
Note to Self: Be More Careful when adding entries to cataloguing site!
Thanks for spotting my boob early Leonard, before I caused myself too much embarrassment.
I'll put in a correction for 2002, if someone hasn't already done so. |
nboldock 8th Jul 2014
| | Ah, good point. My copy's not in front of me but I'll look at it later for clues. Obviously a reissue. I bought mine new but a lot later than 1990.
The Other Site says 2002 for this slipcase edition, which may be about right. |
leonard 8th Jul 2014
| | This certainly isn't the 1990 issue. Advertisement for Silver And Gold (released 2000). Original European release has cat# 264 037. |
nboldock 8th Jul 2014
| | Mine's still complete, but I hadn't got round to adding it yet so thanks :-)
The other funny thing about this one is that all the songs are credited to just Neil Young, whereas of course some of them are by Buffalo Springfield, CSN&Y, and so on. There are references to some of these credits in the sleeve notes but they're reproductions of Neil's handwritten scrawl and personally I can hardly read them! And they're not credits anyway, as such.
Of course it's a magnificent collection that I personally think everybody on the planet should possess a copy of. |
Magic Marmalade 7th Jul 2014
| | This is a very strange case where the slipcase is different from the album cover key respects, as the slipcase is white, with gold print, and sticker, and the actual album inside is black with seventies style print...
While it was a popular chart CD, many people have thrown away the slipcase and adverts inside, making them a very rare sight now... probably making these accidental collectibles! |