CD AlbumCD 1 | 1-01 | Caterina Valente und Silvio Francesco | Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie Honolulu Strand Bikini | Lee J. Pockriss, P. J. Vance, Rudolf G. Loose | Rate | 1-02 | Caterina Valente | Ein Schiff wird kommen | Manos Hadjidakis, Fini Busch | Rate | 1-03 | Caterina Valente | Einen Ring mit zwei blutroten Steinen | Heinz Kueck | Rate | 1-04 | Caterina Valente | Tschau, Tschau, Bambina | Domenico Modugno, Dino Verde, Glando | Rate | 1-05 | Caterina Valente | Haiti Cherie | Harry Belafonte, Lord Burgess, Jonny Bartels, | Rate | 1-06 | Caterina Valente | Ganz Paris Träumt Von Der Liebe | Cole Porter, Kurt Feltz | Rate | 1-07 | Caterina Valente | Tipitipitipso | Heinz Gietz, Kurt Feltz | Rate | 1-08 | Caterina Valente, Silvio Francesco und Peter Alexander | Komm ein bißchen mit nach Italien | Heinz Gietz, Kurt Feltz | Rate | 1-09 | Caterina Valente | Bim-Bam-Bim-Bam-Bina | Heinz Gietz, Kurt Feltz | Rate | 1-10 | Caterina Valente | Steig in das Traumboot der Liebe | Heinz Gietz, Kurt Feltz | Rate | 1-11 | Caterina Valente | Casanova | Heinz Gietz, Kurt Feltz | Rate | 1-12 | Caterina Valente | Wo meine Sonne scheint | Harry Belafonte, Lord Burgess, Kurt Feltz | Rate | 1-13 | Caterina Valente | Eine Frau Aus Paris | Heinz Gietz, Kurt Feltz | Rate | 1-14 | Caterina Valente | Romeo | Heinz Gietz, Kurt Feltz | Rate | 1-15 | Caterina Valente | Amadeo, ich will warten | Robert Schauberg, Kurt Feltz | Rate | 1-16 | Caterina Valente | Eine Nacht am Rio Grande | Heinz Gietz, Kurt Feltz | Rate | 1-17 | Caterina Valente | Rosalie, musst nicht weinen | Tobby Lüth, Joe Menke, Charles Nowa | Rate | 1-18 | Caterina Valente Und Peter Alexander | Eventuell, Eventuell | Heinz Gietz, Kurt Feltz | Rate | 1-19 | Caterina Valente | Das hab' ich gleich gewusst | Heinz Gietz, Kurt Feltz | Rate | 1-20 | Caterina Valente | Tschi-Bam, Tschi-Bam-Bo-Bam-Billa | Heinz Gietz, Kurt Feltz | Rate | 1-21 | Caterina Valente | Ukulele, du musst weinen | Robert Schauberg, Jonny Bartels | Rate | 1-22 | Caterina Valente | Mal Seh'n Kapitän | Heinz Gietz, Kurt Feltz | Rate | 1-23 | Caterina Valente | Liebe kommt und geht | Richard Dehr, Terry Gilkyson, Frank Miller, Ernst Bader, Dieter Rasch | Rate | 1-24 | Caterina Valente | O Mama, O Mama, O Mamajo | Heinz Gietz, Kurt Feltz | Rate | 1-25 | Caterina Valente und Silvio Francesco | Davon möchte ich mal träumen | Heinz Gietz, Kurt Feltz | Rate | CD 2 | 2-01 | Caterina Valente und Silvio Francesco | Bravo Caterina | Heinz Gietz, Kurt Feltz | Rate | 2-02 | Caterina Valente | Spiel noch einmal für mich Habanero | Heinz Gietz, Kurt Feltz | Rate | 2-03 | Caterina Valente, Silvio Francesco und Peter Alexander | Es geht besser, besser, besser | Heinz Gietz, Kurt Feltz | Rate | 2-04 | Caterina Valente | Wenn In zwei Herzen die Liebe fällt | Heinz Gietz, Kurt Feltz | Rate | 2-05 | Caterina Valente und Silvio Francesco | Roter Wein und Musik in Toskanien | Heinz Gietz, Kurt Feltz | Rate | 2-06 | Caterina Valente und Silvio Francesco | Wie Wär's | Heinz Gietz, Kurt Feltz | Rate | 2-07 | Caterina Valente | Melodia D'amour | Heinz Gietz, Kurt Feltz | Rate | 2-08 | Caterina Valente | Bonjour Katrin | Heinz Gietz, Kurt Feltz | Rate | 2-09 | Caterina Valente Und Peter Alexander | Sing, Baby, Sing | Heinz Gietz, Kurt Feltz | Rate | 2-10 | Caterina Valente | Es War In Portugal Im Mai | Peter De Angelis, Robert Marcucci, Peter Göhler, Fred Gahn | Rate | 2-11 | Caterina Valente | Zuviel Tequila | Dave Burgess, Rudolf G. Loose | Rate | 2-12 | Caterina Valente | Musik Liegt In Der Luft | Heinz Gietz, Kurt Feltz | Rate | 2-13 | Caterina Valente | O Baiao Bongo | Heinz Gietz, Kurt Feltz | Rate | 2-14 | Caterina Valente | Gaucho, reite, reite, reite | Heinz Gietz, Kurt Feltz | Rate | 2-15 | Caterina Valente | Papa Piccolino (Ein gold'ner Stern) | Heinz Gietz, Kurt Feltz | Rate | 2-16 | Caterina Valente | Der Gondoliere sang nie mehr so schön | Heinz Gietz, Kurt Feltz | Rate | 2-17 | Caterina Valente | Ein bißchen Pompadour | Heinz Gietz, Kurt Feltz | Rate | 2-18 | Caterina Valente | Auf Ja-ma-maika | Heinz Gietz, Kurt Feltz | Rate | 2-19 | Caterina Valente | Daisy, Crazy Daisy | Heinz Gietz, Kurt Feltz | Rate | 2-20 | Caterina Valente | Am Golf Von Mexico | Heinz Gietz, Kurt Feltz | Rate | 2-21 | Caterina Valente | Pardon, Madame | Heinz Gietz, Kurt Feltz | Rate | 2-22 | Caterina Valente | Oh Valentino | Kadish Millet, Jean Nicolas | Rate | 2-23 | Caterina Valente | Fiesta Cubana | Heinz Gietz, Kurt Feltz | Rate | 2-24 | Caterina Valente | Diu-Du-Du-Dei (Im Garten, da blühen drei Rosen) | Cindy Walker, Kurt Feltz | Rate | 2-25 | Caterina Valente | Oho Aha | Heinz Gietz, Kurt Feltz | Rate | Images
Number: 2870051 THUMBNAIL Uploaded By: 55bluesman Description: front (from al-garizo-collection) | 
Number: 2870054  Uploaded By: 55bluesman Description: inside inlet (from Al-Garizio-collection) | 
Number: 2870062  Uploaded By: 55bluesman Description: inside inlet (from Al-Garizio-collection) | 
Number: 2870063  Uploaded By: 55bluesman Description: inlet rear (from Al-Garizio-collection) | 
Number: 2870066  Uploaded By: 55bluesman Description: disc 1 (from Al-Garizio-collection) | 
Number: 2870070  Uploaded By: 55bluesman Description: disc 2 (from Al-Garizio-collection) | 
Number: 2870075  Uploaded By: 55bluesman Description: inlay rear (from Al-Garizio-collection) | Comments and ReviewsAdd a Comment or Review about this CD See Also CD AlbumCaterina Valente - Je Chante - En France (1959 - 1963) - Bear Family - Germany (2008) Next by Artist CD AlbumCaterina Valente - Danke Caterina - Die 50 Schönsten Hits - Folge 2 - MusicTales - Austria (2012) Previous by Artist CD AlbumPeter Alexander - Danke Peter: 50 seiner schönsten Lieder - Music Tales - Germany (2011) Next on Label This CD: Price Guide :
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