Images now added. Can someone please correct the description on image 1062139 to read "Page 2 of booklet, from Discogs" please? Also, I'd be interested to find out if there were any other pressings of this one showing GEMA, MCPS, SACEM, whatever, as both the Discogs and Rate Your Music pressings seem to be identical to my BIEM/STEMRA one, which makes me wonder whether that was the only pressing.
Compilation originated with Decca UK, my copy is pressed in Germany by PDO, showing rights societies as BIEM/STEMRA, and also released in Australia by PolyGram on 6th August 1990. People on other sites are trying to tell me that this is either Netherlands only because of the STEMRA marking, or Europe only, and don't seem to want to accept the FACT that the market for this was also Australia and in all probability many other countries that had few or no CD factories at the time, and PolyGram (and all the majors) exported their product to their overseas subsidiaries for local release in those countries. Anyway, in a minute I will add all the images, which I will admit to copying from Discogs.