Hi, Alenko what you say here makes sense to me and will probably be useful advice for many US/Canadian releases as it is quite commonplace for albums to be released in both countries with the same label, cat# etc. details. Australia and New Zealand have a similar relationship and I think this approach could be taken in those cases too. It is better approach in that we won't end up with two listings with the same details (this happens with Australasian albums) or loose the identity of the album under the International catch all for what is essentially a regional use cat#s and details. Tags or Flags that appear on the artist listing page would help too.
This is an ongoing issue in CD world and I hope an approach like this is considered when new protocols are developed. Existing site protocols or guidelines would unequivocally define this release as International but as you have pointed out it is not necessarily the best fit in this case.
I'd keep it as US issue. Comment tells us that the same info was used on Canadian issue too.
International doesn't tell us what countries. It could be anyone.
There shouldn't be any guessing when looking at any album page. With international it gets sometimes pretty complicated to figure it out place issued.
I wish instead of International, we could add additional countries, like additional labels or catalog numbers.