The information on Wikipedia, like this site is only as good as the information being typed (crap in - crap out).
Slash is one of these labels who ownership and distribution has changed hands several times over the years. At the time of this release it appears the label was owned by London but distributed in the US by Warner Bros. of which Reprise was part of. A bit more info can be found on the labels Wikipedia page but of course refer to the first paragraph :grin:
Looked up on wikipedia, the label name is 'Slash / Reprise'. USA release date is 14th September 1993. Composer details from the AllMusic Site. (17/7/2014).
Track numbers 2, 5, 11, 13, 15, 17, 21, 22 & 23 are Previously Unreleased tracks and numbers 16 & 20 are Previously Unreleased tracks in the USA.