the cat# on the disc is that one for "Another Side Of.." on Disco-dogs, but unless your spines say otherwise, nothing else in your scans show the cat you've entered up top....
.... or so I thought, until I looked at the inner ring of your disc scan, in the lower left portion / quadrant, it seems that may be the correct cat# for this title and issue.
So I think you may have a mis-squish of two separate Dylan titles on one disc (until someone spotted it and corrected it :)
((Just looked at the disco-cloggs entry for the cat# you enteredm and it is for this edition of Freewheelin', and the inner ring image on that is the same, so I may have been off beam regarding that number, but the image of the disc for that features the correct cat# you have entered where your disc image features the cat# for Another side of... so I still think you have a mis-press / misprinted disc))
-Also, that block of red seems to be an afterthought, as I can just about detect an aborted "Compact Disc" logo peeping through -