Hi Phil, thanks for that information my guess is this was a case of what you outline points 2 & 3 of your comment. It was bought at JB and they did some parallel imports and also ordered through globally available catalogues as far as I know. It may have had a sticker on it when I bought it but as I said before I have since given it away and also I don't keep that outer shrinkwrap that JB traditionally coat their products with. The question really is what was the intent of the label with regard to this release and that's to difficult a question to answer or is it? Anyway no-one cares about this stuff other than you and I Phil.
Hi Lee.I've just checked my Platterlogs from 1990 through 1995, and this one ain't showing up, not even via one of the import distributors (GORILLA, for example, was available firstly through Another Record Distribution, and then through Shock), so it appears not to have been officially released here via EMI; I have three theories regarding its availability:
(1) It was only available in independent import shops;
(2) "local" import shops parallel imported it, as allowed after the ACCC inquiry;
(3) although this was not officially "released" locally, EMI allowed shops to order anything from its worldwide catalogue - I understand (via the forums on the other site) that this is standard practice with the majors, at least in Europe, so that a UK shop could order a nominally French or Italian item from, say, Universal's catalogue. This might explain the Dinah Washington EMI reissues that I bought in the 90's from at least two local outlets in Adelaide, believing them to be distributed by EMI, but having discovered only in the last few days that they never appeared in Platterlog. Hopefully The_Vinyl_Junkie is reading this, and can add his thoughts, using his experience in retail in the Far West!
I bought this one in Australia years ago but since have given it away, after buying Cornology incidentally but the fact remains this was available in Australia and therefore...