Greg, thanks very much for your thoughts on how best to deal with these cat#s. Your advice makes perfect sense to me and I will use the method you have described to enter my Australian Supergrass CDs. Unfortunately, I don't have the special edition of this one, just the regular CD version. I do, however, have the Australian special edition of Supergrass "Supergrass" though and will upload it later today. Thanks again, cheers. Lee
Hi Lee,i've found it's always a good rule of thumb to look to the spines first with regards label and primary Cat.No.,so in this case the Cat.No. would read 7243 8 5528 2 6 / CDPCS 7388,this secondary Cat.No.,often in the barcode box,would be used in the specific country mentioned,i.e "UK" here.In the case of your Australian CD,might it be this limited edition here,if it has the 8552282 in the barcode box?.If it is,it would have it's own Australian entry under 7240 8 5528 2 6 / 8552282,with/or without the bonus Disc Cat.No.,if you/it has one.Hope that's of some help:)
I'm happy to go with that Phil but Discogs lists this as cat# 7243 8 55228 2 6 nearly all over the world and I'm pretty sure by what your telling me it should be 8552282 for my release but this means all the cat#s with full listings will likely be wrong as they are not the bolded or highlighted portions of the number string. The site and myself personally are in the habit of listing the full string as per the inlay usually. It's a teaser this one.
Spencer Davis Group was a little different, in that the catalogue number 848 092-2 was shown on its own without the surrounding digits of the barcode that it was extracted from. EMI handled things a little differently, showing the full string of numbers with the numbers in the middle in bold, e.g. 7243 8 55228 2 6, and then the bolded numbers on their own in the barcode block as 8552282. I would just use 8552282 as the catalogue number, because the full string is in the barcode field.
So if I enter my CD as Australian do I use the 8552282 as a prefix to the cat# 7243 8 55228 2 6
so it looks like this cat# 8552282 / 7243 8 55228 2 6 or just enter it as cat# 7243 8 55228 2 6? What was the score with THE BEST OF THE SPENCER DAVIS GROUP did you have enter both numbers or just one set? Another point here is this CD is listed as European and my copy matches those numbers and therefore is International but because there are UK specific numbers on the CD it is not? If this were a UK specific release it would make sense but it is according to the listing a European edition. My point is shouldn't the cat# in in wider use in this case 7243 8 55228 2 take precedence in this case and if not and the UK cat# is so important why not then just list it as a UK release. If I use the numbers in this box as a prefix to my cat#s on my Australian CD's everything will be Australian so shall I start doing that? I don't think it would go down well?
Hi Lee, it's simply the UK catalogue number. If you look in the barcode area of the back insert, it reads "UK: CDPCS 7388", meaning that it it is catalogue number for the UK - it's just a continuation of the original Parlophone numbering sequence with "CD" put at the front. So, the way that the catalogue numbers are entered now is fine, one for the UK, and one for the rest of Europe. I think you might need to enter the Australian one separately, as I was advised to do with THE BEST OF THE SPENCER DAVIS GROUP a little while ago (the Aussie issue didn't have the IMCD number of the UK/Europe copy).
Could someone tell me what this number and letters string is CDPCS 7388 and also tell me why it is part of the cat# or why it actually precedes what I would consider to be the cat#. I have searched the net but can't find an answer but I have a suspicion it is a price code and not part of the cat# at all. Does anyone know what the score is with these numbers. My Australian release has these numbers in the spot 8552282 where CDPCS 7388 is written on this copy but the label, cat# and barcode are the same. Should I enter my Australian copy with these 8552282 mystery numbers in front of the cat# or are the two CDs one and the same by the crirteria of the site and this constitutes an International release. Furthermore, if using these numbers is allowable and within the site guidelines we may as well go to the individual country method as everything will be different in regard to this particular set of numbers. Any thoughts?