I am not sure why Amazon uses October 25, 1990 as the default date for the CDs released before 1990. Neither I have proof that they purposely use that date if actual date is unknown. However, being part of moderating team on RYM since 2006 i have been either correcting that date myself or moderating the site through the users' submitted corrections and in 100% of cases October 25, 1990 is the incorrect date of the release.
Phil, you are pretty good in sourcing correct date of the release for CD albums and if you look at every October 25, 1990 added to this site, you will find source(s) for an earlier date of the release.
At least on RYM when we catch that date added to a release, we try to find different sources for correct date of the release.
I am always skeptical of any source that claims 1990 as the date of the release especially if the CD doesn't have date printed anywhere on the release. And in many cases 1990 is incorrect.
Schwann CD catalogue says May 1987, which appears to be the date of the catalogue issue where it was first listed, so actual release month could be April or even March.
Just as a matter of interest, why does Amazon use a default date of October 25, 1990, when the company was founded in 1994, and how did you find out about it?
Added full set of scans (only 4, inside of the booklet is blank)
This is pre 1990 CD. I found the source for 1989. Not sure if it's correct since the CD is Made in Japan. Could be earlier than 1989.
Amazon lists this CD as being released on October 25, 1990 which is Amazon's default date for CDs released prior 1990 for which there is no correct date of the release and should never be used as the correct date.