CD Album01 | Willie Smith (The Lion) And His Cubs | Achin' Hearted Blues | Williams, Johnson | Rate | 02 | Willie Smith (The Lion) And His Cubs | Honeymoonin' On A Dime | Kent, Kurtz | Rate | 03 | Milt Herth Trio | The Dipsy Doodle | Clinton | Rate | 04 | Milt Herth Trio | That's A Plenty | Pollack | Rate | 05 | Milt Herth Trio | Bei Mir Bist Du Schoen (Means That You're Grand) | Cahn, Chaplin, Secunda, Jacobs | Rate | 06 | Milt Herth Trio | The Big Dipper | Clinton | Rate | 07 | Willie Smith (The Lion) | Passionette | Smith | Rate | 08 | Willie Smith (The Lion) | Morning Air | Smith | Rate | 09 | Milt Herth Trio | Lost In The Shuffle | Bernier, Spier, Emmerich | Rate | 10 | Milt Herth Trio | The Campbells Are Swinging | Clinton | Rate | 11 | Milt Herth Trio | Josephine | King, Bivens, Kahn | Rate | 12 | Milt Herth Trio | Sissy | Panico, Fascinato, Kahal | Rate | 13 | Milt Herth Trio | Pop-Corn Man | Hudson, Klein, Livington | Rate | 14 | Milt Herth Trio | The Toy Trumpet | Scott, Mitchell, Pollack | Rate | 15 | Milt Herth Trio | Jazz Me Blues | Delaney | Rate | 16 | Milt Herth Trio | Copenhagen | Davis, Melrose | Rate | 17 | Milt Herth Trio | Three Blind Mice (See How They Swing) | Mizzy, Taylor | Rate | 18 | Milt Herth Trio | Looney Little Tooney | Shand, Eaton | Rate | 19 | Milt Herth Quartet | The Flat Foot Floogie | Gaillard, Stewart, Green | Rate | 20 | Milt Herth Quartet | Shoot The Likker To Me, Johnny Boy | Shaw | Rate | 21 | Milt Herth Quartet | Egyptian-Ella | Doyle | Rate | 22 | Milt Herth Quartet | La De Doody Do | Ellington, Lambert, Richards | Rate | 23 | Milt Herth Quartet | Home-Cookin' Mama With The Fryin' Pan | Scotto, La Frenière | Rate | 24 | Milt Herth Quartet | The Spider And The Fly | Waller, Razaf | Rate | 25 | Milt Herth Quartet | Jump Jump's Here | Norvo, Klein | Rate | Notes© 1992 Classics Records
Made in France
SACEM/SDRM Images        Comments and ReviewsAdd a Comment or Review about this CD See Also CD AlbumWillie "The Lion" Smith - Pork And Beans - Black Lion - Germany Next by Artist CD AlbumWillie "The Lion" Smith - The Chronological Willie "The Lion" Smith 1925 - 1937 - Classics - France (1992) Previous by Artist CD AlbumErskine Hawkins - The Chronological Erskine Hawkins And His Orchestra 1939 - 1940 - Classics - France (1992) Next on Label CD AlbumMills Blue Rhythm Band - The Chronological Mills Blue Rhythm Band 1931 - 1932 - Classics - France (1992) Previous on Label This CD: Price Guide :
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