US pressing with catalogue number OBCCD-527-2, imported into Australia by Fantasy's then licensee Festival Records Pty. Ltd., and assigned new catalogue number D 29567 for Australian and New Zealand release.
Number:312222 THUMBNAIL Uploaded By:PhilMH SUBS Description: Front case with Festival sticker
Number:312223 Uploaded By:PhilMH SUBS Description: Back case with Festival catalogue number
Number:312224 Uploaded By:PhilMH SUBS Description: Songs and musician credits
Well, if copies of the CDs get manufactured in every country of release, then we will end up with multiple entries with the same label and catalogue number anyway - same diff.
Anyway, I have now added the US entry for this CD, but I don't seem to be able to link it to the Australian one; whichever way I try to do the link (USA to Aus, or Aus to USA), I get a "cannot find CD" message; Nick, can you help here?
I think we should look more at labels in general. Ace for example is for me a typical UK label, lots of them manufactured in EU or Germany, but can be bought all over the world. No point in adding the same thing over and over again and seeing the same thing listed as UK, EU, German ,Dutch, Japanese or Australian. I think the rule should be: Never enter the same product twice, we have millions to go.
Well, yes, but some of those are more like "World except USA & Canada", or "World except Japan" and a multitude of other combinations - probably time to revive and modify London-American's export availability codes for our purposes!
It's almost exactly the same situation as thousands of other CD's (and LPs too) manufactured in the USA, UK, Europe, Japan, Korea, wherever, and marketed by the various record companies in however many countries around the world; they are all treated as "local" releases in those countries, so I think it would be quite valid to have an entry for each country where it is known to have been released. By all means I can add a US entry for this one, including images without the stickers, but that doesn't change the fact that this entry has a legitimate Australian catalogue number. Sometimes the real world doesn't conveniently fit people's preconceptions of what a release should look like - this is one such time.
Good point, although in this case I'd suggest the fact it does have a unique catalogue number (albeit applied in rather rudimentary fashion) makes it an individual release on its own merits.
If you put the CD in a new jewelcase suddenly the country changes.... I' d rather see just one (USA) listed with a comment about Australia/Festival. Regardless of the sticker it remains exactly the same product.
An example of an Australian "local import" or "imported local release", whichever term you prefer! Like all the other Australian record companies, Festival imported most of their CD's from overseas until the early 90's, but Festival took it a bit further by assigning their own catalogue number, as shown on the sticker attached to the back of the jewel case.
Link to US Concord Music Group (Fantasy's successor) page for this release showing original US release date, Australian release would very likely have been soon afterwards.