CD Album Autobahn 1-01 Kraftwerk Autobahn Rate 1-02 Kraftwerk Kometenmelodie 1 Rate 1-03 Kraftwerk Kometenmelodie 2 Rate 1-04 Kraftwerk Mitternacht Rate 1-05 Kraftwerk Morgenspaziergang Rate Radio-activity 2-01 Kraftwerk Geiger Counter Rate 2-02 Kraftwerk Radioactivity Rate 2-03 Kraftwerk Radioland Rate 2-04 Kraftwerk Airwaves Rate 2-05 Kraftwerk Intermission Rate 2-06 Kraftwerk News Rate 2-07 Kraftwerk The Voice Of Energy Rate 2-08 Kraftwerk Antenna Rate 2-09 Kraftwerk Radio Stars Rate 2-10 Kraftwerk Uranium Rate 2-11 Kraftwerk Transistor Rate 2-12 Kraftwerk Ohm Sweet Ohm Rate Trans Europe Express 3-01 Kraftwerk Europe Endless Rate 3-02 Kraftwerk The Hall Of Mirrors Rate 3-03 Kraftwerk Showroom Dummies Rate 3-04 Kraftwerk Trans Europe Express Rate 3-05 Kraftwerk Metal On Metal Rate 3-06 Kraftwerk Abzug Rate 3-07 Kraftwerk Franz Schubert Rate 3-08 Kraftwerk Endless Endless Rate The Man-Machine 4-01 Kraftwerk The Robots Rate 4-02 Kraftwerk Spacelab Rate 4-03 Kraftwerk Metropolis Rate 4-04 Kraftwerk The Model Rate 4-05 Kraftwerk Neon Lights Rate 4-06 Kraftwerk The Man-Machine Rate Computer World 5-01 Kraftwerk Computer World Rate 5-02 Kraftwerk Pocket Calculator Rate 5-03 Kraftwerk Numbers Rate 5-04 Kraftwerk Computer World 2 Rate 5-05 Kraftwerk Computer Love Rate 5-06 Kraftwerk Home Computer Rate 5-07 Kraftwerk It's More Fun To Compute Rate Techno Pop 6-01 Kraftwerk Boing Boom Tschak Rate 6-02 Kraftwerk Techno Pop Rate 6-03 Kraftwerk Musique Non Stop Rate 6-04 Kraftwerk The Telephone Call Rate 6-05 Kraftwerk House Phone Rate 6-06 Kraftwerk Sex Object Rate 6-07 Kraftwerk Electric Cafe Rate The Mix 7-01 Kraftwerk The Robots Rate 7-02 Kraftwerk Computer Love Rate 7-03 Kraftwerk Pocket Calculator Rate 7-04 Kraftwerk Dentaku Rate 7-05 Kraftwerk Autobahn Rate 7-06 Kraftwerk Radioactivity Rate 7-07 Kraftwerk Trans Europe Express Rate 7-08 Kraftwerk Abzug Rate 7-09 Kraftwerk Metal On Metal Rate 7-10 Kraftwerk Home Computer Rate 7-11 Kraftwerk Music Non Stop Rate Tour De France 8-01 Kraftwerk Prologue Rate 8-02 Kraftwerk Tour De France Étape 1 Rate 8-03 Kraftwerk Tour De France Étape 2 Rate 8-04 Kraftwerk Tour De France Étape 3 Rate 8-05 Kraftwerk Chrono Rate 8-06 Kraftwerk Vitamin Rate 8-07 Kraftwerk Aéro Dynamik Rate 8-08 Kraftwerk Titanium Rate 8-09 Kraftwerk Elektro Kardiogramm Rate 8-10 Kraftwerk La Forme Rate 8-11 Kraftwerk Régéneration Rate 8-12 Kraftwerk Tour De France Rate
Notes 12" x 12" box containing eight discs (one per album), each in a card wallet, in a recessed foam tray, plus a 12" x 12" slip-case containing 8 x 12-page booklets of artwork (again, one per album).
Techno Pop was originally issued as
Electric Cafe , and
Tour De France as
Tour De France Soundtracks .
The Telephone Call (track 6-04) is a shorter version (3:48) of the track issued on the original album (8:03);
House Phone (track 6-05) has been added in place of the longer version.
A German-language version was also released, with the cat# KLANGBOX002
DE .
Images Comments and Reviews TheJudge-45worlds 27th Sep 2014 Two hours it took, and that's just the discs and sleeves. I've had to resort to the camera for the front and back of the box, but I've put them at the bottom for now because the images aren't that good.
(edit: improved the images enough to put them where they should be)
As for the 12"-square art booklets, forgeddit! :-) nboldock 27th Sep 2014 Double wow! Very nice work. cussincarryinon02-45worlds 27th Sep 2014 wow ... now that was a hard night's work ! TheJudge-45worlds 26th Sep 2014 I think my scanner's just melted...
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Kraftwerk - Trans Europe Express - Kling Klang - Europe (2009)
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