... Having found this in a charity shop yesterday, and bought it just to round out my goldfrapp collection, I realise only now that I look (very hard) at it tonight, that this is an SACD package!
It's an odd one too... It's in a single CD super jewel case, not a double swing out case, and the DVD is simply loaded under the "CD".
The sticker on the front only indicates the presence of the DVD, which has a 5.1 version of the album, but gives no clue whatsoever that the "CD"is in fact SACD...
... As such I see a couple listed on eBay only saying CD + DVD, not SACD +DVD!
-how many therefore, are aware that they have an SACD?-
Consequently, it's very cheaply bought for an SACD, and the package as a whole including, as it does, the 5.1 DVD version, represents great value!
... Or does it?
... Because surely the 5.1 DVD renders the SACD redundant?
.... And this must be why this is the only goldfrapp album available this way.
Given that Sony messed up the launch of the SACD format originally, by evidently forgetting to tell anyone they were doing it, and that they then mothballed it for at least the duration of 2004, the "relaunch", in this way, just seems to have compounded the error.
A quick search on discogs for - "SACD mute 2005" reveals what I expected, that a couple more releases by them in that year also seem to conceal SACD in CD clothing...a couple of Depeche mode albums, and a Can album... All sporting stickers without mention of SACD.
Only the copyright text on the back mentions SACD, as well as the tiny "techno-pretzel" SACD symbol, which you have to really squint to see!
Chances are, a few people may have these albums, without realising they have an SACD version!