So Bobby calls me up one day and pitches this gimmick he wants to raise some quick cash with - a limited edition CD. He wanted a blurb posted on the PENTAGRAM Archives MySpace site with a $50 price tag, a numbered Xerox cover, and a bogus $5 bill with his mug on one side, and blank on the other; so he could write a personal thank you note, and sign it (Bobby was genuine with little details like that). I couldn't say no, as he and Hallie were newlyweds and desperate for cash, and Bobby knew the hardcore Ram fans would purchase anything resembling recently recorded material, even if it was sub par. I got a package from Hallie a day or two later with their wedding pictures, and a copy of the CD (numbered 1/50), and if you believe that...
Dave Sherman co-wrote six of the nine demo tracks with Bobby, but I honestly believe the strongest is Russ Strahan's South of the Swamp.
I don't know how many he sold, but I imagine the bootleggers made a small fortune on it.
In a feeble effort to shed just a little more light on this murky release, I'm including this excerpt from an interview with Dave Sherman of Earthride, published in The Obelisk on 24 September 2010:
"...Me and Russ and Mark and Gary, we were in a Captain Beyond cover band too, and that kind of got Bobby [Liebling] going again, really. I won’t say it was all me, but it was a lot of me (laughs), because I went over there and did The Basement Chronicles with him, and that never really got a release, but he was selling it on the road for $50 a piece. I did that on my BR-532 four track. Electronic drums, and I’d bring my piece of shit guitar I play, an Epiphone I got for 58 bucks, tuned to C-sharp, and I just started cranking out some Pentagram-style riffs and I put my bass on there too. I’d program the drums and give him the mic and he would just make shit up off the top of his head, sitting in the chair, smoking. And then, like I said, on the road now he sells them things for 50 bucks, and it’s a picture of him on a five-dollar bill on the cover (laughs). But anyway, that’s that. If you see him and you say, “Hey, what’s up with the Basement Chronicles?” he’ll probably produce one for you."