Magic Marmalade 23rd Jul 2021
| | You are welcome chums :)
...At least, if the NZ artwork does turn up, it'll have a home waiting for it. |
Lee Wrecker 22nd Jul 2021
| | Covers for the Australasian version were printed in Australia so we might assume that the same thing happened in NZ at this stage. However, it is also quite often the case that covers can be printed in the EU and distributed world-wide and sometimes the case that local (Australian and NZ) CDs and EU made CDs are distributed simultaneously for the same release (David Bowie 1999 re-issues landed in our stores this way).
So, looking at the evidence from this end of the planet I can give a solid "I don't know" on whether NZ made covers exist or not. I'm fairly confident that they will turn up eventually though so thanks for making the NZ entry Magic.. |
gregs45s SUBS 22nd Jul 2021
| | Thanks MM :) |
Magic Marmalade 22nd Jul 2021
| | Created New Zealand entry (Linked below), and copied front cover image over, and moved greg's disc scan over...
... I didn't copy the rest of the artwork over, as we can't be sure greg's copy isn't an anomaly yet... someone may have proper / made for / by New Zealand artwork which they can add to that entry. |
gregs45s SUBS 21st Jul 2021
| | Hi PhilMH/Lee
I think you're probably both right, that the copy i have is indeed a NZ release, it's probably just another case of European artwork being used for a NZ release, as has happened many times with Australian issues.
As you point out, it would have made no sense to get extra Discs made in NZ when Europe must have been making them by the bucket load.
This was bought second hand, so i can't confirm Disc/artwork are right together, so i will put in a request to create a separate NZ entry for now, and hopefully someone who has bought one from NZ can confirm/deny either way.
Cheers |
PhilMH SUBS ● 19th Jul 2021
| | Greg, may I ask where and how you bought this, i.e. was it new or used? I just wonder if it's another mismatch situation where a used record store has inserted the disc into the wrong case. Also, I assume you bought it in the UK, so I wonder how a NZ pressing ended up there? It's hard to imagine any of the major record companies in the UK & Europe having to source copies from NZ when there were still plenty of factories in their part of the world in 2002, so maybe someone bought a disc in NZ, then moved (or returned?) to the UK, and subsequently sold the disc? There is an outside possibility that the whole package and disc is a complete New Zealand release - I think I have a couple of discs that are in ostensibly European packages, but the discs are Australian made, and bought new in Australia; I just need to remember what they are! |
Lee Wrecker 19th Jul 2021
| | Not a surprise though Greg. This album was #1 in NZ longer than anywhere else in the world. Discogs is not the be all and end as far catalogues go and NZ releases are a different thing altogether so just because there's not one there doesn't mean there wasn't one. There was but a listing or images other than from the charts is harder to find. I've yet to find one but only had a quick squizz about on the net.
Maybe some of our Kiwi Kontingent may have a copy? The Wiki page for this album indicates this album was the #1 album in NZ for the whole of 2002. So surely there's plenty around (but none on Discogs heh heh heh!) |
gregs45s SUBS 17th Jul 2021
| | A curio, i found that the Disc in my copy of this European release said "Disc Made In NZ", and it is indeed made/pressed by Stebbing of Auckland New Zealand.
My artwork matches the artwork shown here exactly, and so it is the European release
I've also checked on Discogs, and there is no New Zealand copy, only two Australian ones but both those Discs were made in Australia and have different artwork.
I can only imagine that due to popularity of this release, they had extra Discs pressed in NZ to cover demand. |