apollo59: if you have SMRCD 142 (5050749214225), please enter it as a new item;
the label it is on is liable to be "sanctuary midline",
and whether it should be flagged "uk" or "europe" depends on what can be deduced of where it was intended by sanctuary music group to go on sale - the uk, presumably, but if the disc or the printed-paper & card inserts, booklet (if any), etc. bear "sacem" and/or "biem", and/or "stemra" °, or if there's an address in the small print for a continental european distributor, then award it a "european" rather than a "uk" flag.°°
° - other 45/33/78/cd-catters know much more about the mechanical performance, publishing and siimilar rights & royalties collection agencies, and how they work - but the presence of any of above ones are a dead give-away that a uk music co. expected and intended their "product" to be distributed to record & cd shops, music shops, department stores, supermarkets etc. in continental europe as well as in the uk of gb & ni (and usually also the republic of ireland).
°° - and no, this isn't necessarily the country of manufacture; it mayn't even be the country in which the inserts were printed
the title of track 13, "He. The Richmond", without the period, but with double (or at least an emsworth) space after the "He", does not begin with the male singular pronoun - it is the scots english exclamation word, often used to signify a celebratory ejaculation or interjection, usually with an exclamation mark or "shriek", "!" there is no such punctuation in the album's track listing, but the word isn't a tyop, literal or simple mistake. (my apologies to those cdcatters already aware of the phenomenon.)