Originally released circa Christmas 1971 as Volt VOS-6018 (catalogue number VIP-5017 shown on the cover is from a late 1970's Japanese reissue).
Germany & Benelux - ZYX Music GmbH & Co. KG
UK - Ace Records Ltd.
France - Warner Music France
Spain - Nuevos Medios, S.A.
Italy - Warner Fonit
Scandinavia - Amigo
Australia - Festival (released 28th January 2002)
Portugal - Dargil
Number:1020538 THUMBNAIL Uploaded By:PhilMH SUBS Description: Front cover
I also have the US Stax/Concord reissue of this album from 2011, which has the tracks from "A Dramatic Experience" as bonus tracks, so it is in fact a twofer, though not designated as such.
Lee ... "The Devil Is Dope" was on the 1973 LP "A Dramatic Experience" ... I have it on a UK CD Toofer of "Whatcha See Is Watcha Get"/"A Dramatic Experience" that was issued by Ace as Stax CDSXD 963. At current rates of progress I'll be loading it here on 45Worlds sometime around July or August .. LOL
Greg, I use a thin piece of paper (recycled notebook paper) to lift CDs from the glass plate.
Small Scanning Tip #2 Just slide the CD to edge holding the paper between your thumb an forefingers an lift normally - it works a treat. Hey Phil, What album is "The Devil is Dope" by the Dramatics on?
Indeed Lee,i've found that fairly common to a lot of scanner's (at least those in my price bracket;)is a dislike of pastel shades (white-out),any Day-Glo colours (orange/green/yellow etc.),highly reflective surfaces (metallic lettering(Gold/Silver)/parts of Discs) (that will be rendered black),and black lettering on red to name a few.We can only do our best as you say,and add a comment if it substantially differs from the original.Also common as scanner's age is a pale-blue wash,which slowly gets worse as time goes on,so you don't really notice it at first,but then become aware of it when you compare it to someone else's "whites"(time for a new one;)
Small scanning tip ....
(Keep a blob of Blue/White Tack on top of the scanner to lift off those Discs that "stick" to the glass.)
Sometimes there's nothing you can do if the scanner doesn't like the ink or surface. Mine doesn't like pastels, luminous pink and some reds. I suppose everyone's scanners will be different but it can be frustrating when you're doing your best and you still can't get anywhere near what the original looks like.