CD Albums

CD Album

Title:The Yes Album
Label:  Atlantic
Catalogue:240 106 / SD 19131-2
Format:CD Album
Collection:  I Own It     I Want It 
Community: 6 Own
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01YesYours Is No DisgraceYesRate
02YesThe ClapHoweRate
03YesStarship Trooper:- (A) Life Seeker (B) Disillusion (C) WurmA) Jon Anderson, B) Chris Squire, C) Steve HoweRate
04YesI've Seen All Good People:- (A) Your Move (B) All Good PeopleA) Jon Anderson, B) Chris SquireRate
05YesA VentureJon AndersonRate
06YesPerpetual ChangeChris Squire, Jon AndersonRate


Original Album released in 1971


Number: 596296  THUMBNAIL
Uploaded By: kab2112 SUBS
Description: front cover

Number: 738888 
Uploaded By: Quad5point1 SUBS
Description: Cover Inlay

Number: 738889 
Uploaded By: Quad5point1 SUBS
Edited By: Quad5point1
Description: Cover Inlay

Number: 738890 
Uploaded By: Quad5point1 SUBS
Description: Cover Inlay

Number: 738892 
Uploaded By: Quad5point1 SUBS
Edited By: Quad5point1
Description: CD Tray Insert

Number: 1843969 
Uploaded By: Quad5point1 SUBS
Edited By: Quad5point1
Description: Disc Image

Number: 2631681 
Uploaded By: Quad5point1 SUBS
Description: Music Master CD Catalogue 1989

Number: 738891  HIDDEN
Uploaded By: Quad5point1 SUBS
Description: CD

Comments and Reviews
24th Apr 2024
 I've just added a US version of this CD here with the appropriate barcode info and "printed in USA" notes on its back cover.

Quad5point1 SUBS
28th May 2021
 The Prog Rock Archive seems to tie up with the Music Master entry as being released in 1987

Magic Marmalade
30th Apr 2021
 Perhaps then the inner ring, or the Sid codes it label codes...

... The only other conclusion is that if it was initially available in Europe, then it pre-dates targets, making it pre 87 at least, or eliminating the possible, and going for whatever remains, must mean it was for sale in longbox only (us only?)... And since list longbox packaging and found it's way to European shores.

Other Atlantic issues of the time have barcodes in Europe, from 83 84 on.

Does music master give both catalogue numbers?

30th Apr 2021
 Hi Magic, a few things:

(1) CD launch date of October 1982 was Japan only; UK and Europe was March 1983, and IIRC, all from the PolyGram labels - I'm not sure when WEA released their first discs;

(2) Catalogue numbers will be of no use in trying to pin down the release date, because both numbers are variations of previous vinyl numbers (K 40106 for the UK, dating from early 1972 or so, which is when Atlantic joined the Kinney UK fold; SD 19131 is the US LP catalogue number from 1977, when Atlantic renumbered their top sellers to put them into the $7.98 list price range), so the CD releases wouldn't necessarily have followed those original LP sequences (actually, almost certainly wouldn't have);

(3) 1983-4? Maybe, but 1984 Music Master doesn't list this disc.

Magic Marmalade
30th Apr 2021
 The other thing is, take a look at how the cat number is presented on the spines...

...pretty much identical to how you find it on a target era release - two cat numbers, over and under in one corner of the spine.

This has a very strong stench of 1983-4 about it.

Magic Marmalade
30th Apr 2021
 I'm going to hold fire on changing anything with this one for now, as there are a couple of things that give me pause...

(Not least, because Lee doesn't have the answers! :) ((That's a joke Lee... smile! :)

... Firstly, I have this myself, so will dig it out soon, but also, the absence of a barcode for your proposed date of release doesn't add up:

CDs were available from 82 on, and barcodes were introduced end of 83 -84, so by 87 / 88 should certainly have one on a European / UK issue by then.

I think this is much earlier therefore.

The fact that it was available in US in a longbob accounts for where the barcode ought to be found in that country, until the the longbob was done away with, then a barcode ought to appear on the CD inlay.

(This is why dating an item for US or Japan or other Asian country (Obi) cannot be reliably guessed from the presence of a barcode, in the same way a European issue can.

I think what you have here is a case of cutting corners by the label themselves:

They had an international (German made) issue, for distribution all over... likely, if US adopted barcodes earlier, they just pop it in the lonbox, which allows for a barcode to be present without having to make new inlay art...

(Until, at least barcodes were applied for all markets, including European countries, which then justifies the redesign addition of barcode expense)

... I think we need to refer to how the cat sequence sits within the other known CD issue dates, refer to matrices, and place it for confirmation within a broader scheme.

(Several points of corroboration will draw a tighter loop around the facts)

Sometimes, chaps, the labels don't even follow the rules they set for themselves.... hence the confusion.

....It ain't us, it's them!

Quad5point1 SUBS
29th Apr 2021
 I've added a scan from the Music Master CD Catalogue 1989 which places the disc with Cat# 240 106 as being released in July 1987 and the SD 191 312 issue being released in 1988. In view of this a correction has been submitted for a date change on this disc to July 1987. Also added composers

27th Apr 2021
 OK, well.....the lack of a barcode on this still worries me! WEA in Europe had started using barcodes on LPs and cassettes around 1982/83, so I would have thought that CDs would have had them; perhaps, because this was a catalogue reissue, they only did one press run initially to cater for all markets, including USA (who put the discs into longboxes for release there), and also Australia, where Platterlog listed this under catalogue number 240106 (almost certainly Oz would have got the EU copy, though WEA did occasionally import American discs for other albums - I don't remember seeing this in shops, so I can't say definitively). I was going to say leave this as International in the absence of solid information (I think we'd need to break into Warners' offices to get answers), but it looks like I got back in here too late and it's been changed to Europe already! Anyway, best leave it as it is for now, and USA or other country-specific editions can be entered separately if they turn up (though I think there's a later remastered reissue where the EU copies probably traveled far and wide, but we'll cross that bridge later too).

(Thanks for the nice note, Lee, BTW).

Lee Wrecker
24th Apr 2021
 Quad5point1, your story of where and when this was bought would indicate that this particular release is an EU release. Having a closer look at this disc with the USA cat# SD 19131-2 reveals that it was manufactured in Germany on the same glass. So it would seem the plant in Germany produced two different labels with specifically cat#s one for the EU and for the USA on the same glass. Two me that indicates that your copy should be listed as an EU release and discs with the SD 19131-2 cat# are for the USA market.

Perhaps, having both cat#s on the spine of the inlay is just for the sake of convenience in the art department or in case Warner's wanted or needed to ship the entire package either way. Regardless of that it seems that the discs themselves would have had different cat#s and therefore be for their respective markets.

I'd list this as an EU release on the strength of that. What do you think PhilMH?

Quad5point1 SUBS
24th Apr 2021
 It was bought in a local record shop (Grahams, Connswater Shopping Centre, Belfast) at the time of release, if I remember right it cost £13.99 and if this guy couldn't get a disc from a local wholesaler he just wouldn't stock it. Bringing things in from the US or Europe was just too much for him to deal with, he was a bit of a grump. Back in those days you never ventured very far and certainly not into the City Centre, there wasn't such a thing as Ebay or Amazon so everything I bought was bought locally. The internet was in it's infancy as well, I remember building 80486DX2's back then and having to buy dial-up modems with a massive speed of 14,400 bit/s WOW!!.

Lee Wrecker
24th Apr 2021
 Where did you buy it Quad5point1? Don't say in a shop but did you buy it in a retail store new in Belfast or pick it up second hand? Anyway, Phil's looking closest to being on the money with this one so far. If you could check the links (below) and see if there any more similarities differences or identifying marks to the ones listed there we may be able to drill down deeper. I knew longboxes would be a headache one day. It's a curious one that's for sure.

Quad5point1 SUBS
24th Apr 2021
 Looking at the disc hub and the numbers contained in it, there is what appears maybe the semblance of a barcode/cat# using the US Cat#. It has the number 7567 19131-2

24th Apr 2021
 Forgot to mention - USA release date appears to have been before November 1987, which is when this was listed in a Schwann Compact Disc catalogue that I have, though release date isn't shown. Music Master 1988 catalogue has July 1987 for the UK release, I suspect that is where Great Rock Discography got its date. I haven't see 1986 anywhere, but it could be correct.

24th Apr 2021
 Lee said:

Who said "the simple things you see are all complicated"

Indeed, they did!

But, let's change that to "The complicated things you see can be simplified" (well, a little bit):

I think it's very likely that the copies without a barcode on the back inserts were made for USA distribution in longboxes, which did show the barcode; once longboxes were phased out, barcodes started appearing on USA copies, which would also have "Printed in USA" on the back inserts, though the discs could be made in USA, Europe, or Japan. All my experience of WEA discs made in Europe for European and International distribution is that they have barcodes on the inserts. So:

No barcode on insert with these catalogue numbers - USA release, regardless of where printed & manufactured (assume barcode was on longbox);

With barcode:
Printed in USA - USA release (discs manufactured in USA, Europe or Japan);
Not manufactured or printed in USA - International release (unless country is otherwise specified).

The images here, with no barcode on the back insert, suggest that this is actually a USA release that was in a longbox, so the simplest solution for this entry is to change the country to USA, leave SD 19131-2 as the primary catalogue number (USA WEA convention at the time was to show the catalogue number as a variant of the previous vinyl catalogue number, with -2 added on the end), 240106 as the second catalogue number, and add this text to the notes:

"Initial USA releases appear to have been made in Europe and Japan, and inserts printed without the barcode, which would have appeared on a cardboard longbox. Later copies, once longboxes were phased out, show inserts with "Printed in USA" and barcode, and discs made in USA, Europe, or Japan. Other copies with the barcode on the inserts but without the "Printed in USA" wording and discs made in Europe were for International release."

Lee Wrecker
23rd Apr 2021
 Quad5point1, this one is a very difficult release to place. It seems the cat# 240 106 / 240-106 was first released in the EU in 1986. This release has a different label design to the entry posted here but the same inlay and spine cat# configuration showing both EU and USA cat#s. There are also multiple 1987 releases from both the EU and USA that are manufactured in either domain (USA disc manufactured in Japan but cover printed in USA) with the same inlay that has two cat#s for both domains.

My feelings are that this disc only presents as international due to the inlay artwork which in reality was not how the disc was either manufactured or distributed. The other site also has a 1989 version with a barcode listed as it is entered here and being available across both domains but I'm skeptical about that also.

My preference on these would be to list each one separately and ignore the errant cat# on the artwork on the spine. In addition there is no barcode 075678153020 on the packaging of this CD and it apparently first appeared on the USA 1989 release with cat# SD 19131-2. So the barcode should be removed, date should be changed to 1986 or 1987 (take your pick), cat# should be changed to 240-106 / 240 106 and country changed to EU. See links to the other site for verification. CD Albums world is always full of surprises Who said "the simple things you see are all complicated". Well, I think we can all agree on that yes, yes, yes.

Quad5point1 SUBS
23rd Apr 2021
 The Cat# SD 19131-2 is the US Cat# and the 240 106 Cat# is the European Cat#. As the European Cat# only appears on the disc it should be the leading Cat# as we are supposed to go by what's on the disc. All the artwork is European as well. Also the 240 106 Cat# shouldn't have a hyphen in it, (correction submitted)

Quad5point1 SUBS
4th Mar 2019
 Release given in The Great Rock Discography as July 1987

Quad5point1 SUBS
13th Jan 2019
 Added better disc scan to replace my original. This was the first press that is silvered right up to the hub

Quad5point1 SUBS
5th May 2015
 Added remaining Cover Inlay scans, CD & CD Tray Insert scans

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Linked Releases

USA - Atlantic - 1987

Europe - Atlantic - 1994

Europe - Elektra - 2003

USA - Elektra / Rhino - 2003

UK - Panegyric - 2014

See Also

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Yes - Yesterdays - Atlantic - Europe (1988)
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Yes - Relayer - Atlantic - Europe (1988)
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Passport - Cross-Collateral - Atlantic - Europe (1988)
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Foreigner - Inside Information - Atlantic - Europe (1987)
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Tags:  Record Service Alsdorf

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