Credits | 43 |
And Now On Radio 4... | 42 |
The Shoulder Of Mutton | 4 |
Wilf, The Butcher | 3 |
And Now On Radio 4 | 2 |
Are We Nearly There Yet? | 2 |
Arrival At The BBC | 2 |
Back At Gerry's | 2 |
Back In The Shoulder Of Mutton | 2 |
Gerry's Café | 2 |
Shoulder Of Mutton | 2 |
The Audition | 2 |
'Fares Please' | 1 |
'Golden Oldies' Hour' | 1 |
'On Your Marks Get Set Dinner' Cookery Show | 1 |
100's Of Canals Sat There Doing Nothing | 1 |
2oz's Of Potted Meat | 1 |
A Bit Of Meat For Spain | 1 |
A Day Late | 1 |
A Heart Ring Road | 1 |
A Little Imposition | 1 |
A Maverick Justice Of The Peace | 1 |
A Mixed Grill, How Did You Guess | 1 |
A Mysterious Phone Call | 1 |
A Nightmare In Nottingham | 1 |
A Pomp Pomp From Down Underneath | 1 |
A Quote Without Wogan In The Car | 1 |
A Sheep Farmer Or A Lord? | 1 |
A Stationers, Not A Sweet Shop | 1 |
A Ten-Minute Rest Stop | 1 |
A Visit To Wilf's | 1 |
Accident At Wilf's | 1 |
Alright Sally? | 1 |
Altercation With A Busker | 1 |
An Audience With Arthur | 1 |
An Inconvenient Fly In The Ointment | 1 |
An Open Window | 1 |
Any Chance Of Having The Six Pack Now? | 1 |
Any Questions? | 1 |
Are You Fit Then? | 1 |
Arrival At The Fundraiser | 1 |
Arthur Discusses His Imminent Lecture With Wilf, The Butcher | 1 |
Arthur In Surgery | 1 |
Arthur Is Canvassed On The Street | 1 |
Arthur Reads From A New Novel | 1 |
Arthur Rehearses For Just A Minute | 1 |
Arthur Reminisces In Preparation For A Play | 1 |
Arthur The Playwright | 1 |
Arthur Warms Up | 1 |
Arthur's After Dinner Speech | 1 |
Arthur's Antique Roadshow | 1 |
Arthur's Concussion | 1 |
Arthur's Theory Of Evolution Versus Creation | 1 |
At The Café | 1 |
At The Car Boot Sale | 1 |
At The Hippodrome | 1 |
At The Hospital | 1 |
At The Library With Geoffrey | 1 |
Audition For Dr No Little | 1 |
Auditions In Jack's Back Room | 1 |
Aunty Mary Had A Canary | 1 |
Autograph Nutter | 1 |
Back At The Shoulder Of Mutton | 1 |
Back At Wilf's | 1 |
Back In Hospital | 1 |
Back To The Coach | 1 |
Banana Telephone | 1 |
Barbers - Day Off Today? | 1 |
Barry Cryer Asks For A Favour | 1 |
Barry's Arrival | 1 |
Basildon Bond Meeting | 1 |
Beef Steak, Sweep Stake | 1 |
Been In This Bloody Queue For An Hour | 1 |
Blogging Into Hammer Lunch | 1 |
Blue Suede Foot | 1 |
Bonfire Night Last Year | 1 |
Bonjour Arthur | 1 |
Book Launch At Wilf Taylor's Master Butchers | 1 |
Book Quest | 1 |
Book Review | 1 |
Breakfast At Gerry's Café | 1 |
Brighouse And Gastric Band | 1 |
Brochures On Italy | 1 |
Budgie Bereavement | 1 |
Buenas Noches | 1 |
Building Society | 1 |
Busy Work Drinking | 1 |
Can I Interest You In A Tour Of The City? | 1 |
Can I See Your License Please? | 1 |
Can't Speak Now | 1 |
Cashier Number Two Please | 1 |
Casting Telephone Call | 1 |
Catering Planning At Wilf's | 1 |
Cats, The Musical Audition | 1 |
Charity Shop | 1 |
Citizens Advice Bureau | 1 |
City Tour Bus | 1 |
Clock Shopping | 1 |
Closing Up | 1 |
Cloud Cuckoo Clock | 1 |
Codename Rattlesnake (Part 2) | 1 |
Codename Rattlesnake (Part One) | 1 |
Come Come Mr Bond | 1 |
Condiments To The Chef | 1 |
Count Arthur Strong Sings Karaoke | 1 |
Count Arthur Strongov | 1 |
Crash Course On The Karaoke | 1 |
Credit | 1 |
Cues | 1 |
Customer Opinion Poll | 1 |
Dalziel And Pascoe Video From Wilf | 1 |
Deciphering Hieroglyphics At Gerry's Café | 1 |
Deluxe Veggie Slice-O-Matic | 1 |
Dicing Kidney With Kevin McDonald | 1 |
Died And Gone To Heaven | 1 |
Discussing Techniques With Wilf, The Butcher | 1 |
Do-It-Yourself Wills | 1 |
Doctor's Waiting Room | 1 |
Don't Want Any Cocks Up Tonight | 1 |
Don't Worry About A Thing Freddie | 1 |
Doncaster... | 1 |
Dr. Hal | 1 |
Dracula's Castle | 1 |
Ear Photography | 1 |
Earlier And Earlier | 1 |
Eat Your Heart Out Huge Fearnley Whipping Stool | 1 |
Eating Kebab At Arthur's Place | 1 |
Eddie Presley, King Of Rock Cakes | 1 |
Entertainment On The Coach | 1 |
Equity Helpline | 1 |
Escorted From The Premises | 1 |
España Por Favor | 1 |
Extract From The Diary | 1 |
Final Preparations | 1 |
Finding Props At Wilf's | 1 |
Flash Gordon To Ming The Motionless | 1 |
Fly On A Pork Chop | 1 |
Flyers | 1 |
For The Good Of The Committee | 1 |
Fourth Floor? | 1 |
Frddie, Don't Get Well Soon | 1 |
Freddie Olmondroyd's Solicitor | 1 |
Free Drinks | 1 |
Full English On The House | 1 |
Fund-Raiser Planning At The Shoulder Of Mutton | 1 |
Fundraising | 1 |
Gerry's Café - Mornin' Arthur | 1 |
Gesundheit! | 1 |
Get The Top Off One Of These | 1 |
Glass Of Sherry And George's Genital's | 1 |
Glasses For Nothing | 1 |
Good Deeds For The Weedy | 1 |
Hasta La Vista Baby! | 1 |
He Makes You Do This?! | 1 |
Hello Good People | 1 |
Hello, Tony Healy | 1 |
Her With The Willow Pad Head | 1 |
Home-Made Range Of Piccalilli | 1 |
Honorary Chief Communion Wine Taster | 1 |
How Embarrassing | 1 |
I'll Be Chairman For A Change | 1 |
I'll Feel My Way Out | 1 |
I'm Here About The Time Thing | 1 |
I'm Not Hiding Behind The Hedge | 1 |
I've Got A Nose For Pub's | 1 |
If We Hit An Ice Burger | 1 |
Important Miscalulations | 1 |
Impressions | 1 |
Impressions For Wilf | 1 |
In The Motorway Service Station | 1 |
Insurance For My Minx | 1 |
Interview With The Monthly Advertiser | 1 |
Interviewing Gerry At The Café | 1 |
It Was Prince Charles | 1 |
It's A Lemon Entry My Dear Watson | 1 |
It's Johnson The Butler | 1 |
Jerry's Café With Tweedle Dum And Tweedle Dee | 1 |
Jimmy, The Barber | 1 |
Keep Christmas Secret Society | 1 |
Last Orders At The Shoulder Of Mutton | 1 |
Last Time I'm Using The Bus | 1 |
Late For His Appointment | 1 |
Laurence Olivier | 1 |
Left Handed Shoes | 1 |
Les Drinks Liberte (French For Free) | 1 |
Letter From The Round Table | 1 |
Liza With A Z | 1 |
Lost | 1 |
Lost And Found | 1 |
Lot Less Bother With A Hover | 1 |
Lunch At Gerry's | 1 |
Lunch At Gerry's Café | 1 |
Lunch Break With Patrick | 1 |
Lurverly To Meet You... | 1 |
Make-Up Testing At The Department Store | 1 |
Malcolm Arrives For Audition Run Through | 1 |
Malcolm's Audition Class | 1 |
Malcolm's Visit | 1 |
Malcolm, At Last | 1 |
Malcolm...The Very Person | 1 |
Mam's Antibiotics | 1 |
Medicine At The Pub | 1 |
Meeting Geoffrey At The Hall | 1 |
Meeting The Other Guest Speakers | 1 |
Merry Christmas And Condiments | 1 |
Millionaire Machine | 1 |
Mind Your Head On That Light Fitting | 1 |
Mobile Phone Shopping | 1 |
More Like A Bungalow | 1 |
More Like A Shopping Centre | 1 |
Mornin' Wilf | 1 |
Morning Count Strong | 1 |
Motivational Speech Practice | 1 |
Mr Clarke, The Chemist | 1 |
Mrs Robinson's Introduction | 1 |
My Language, Arthurish | 1 |
Mystery Of The New Bucket | 1 |
Nearly Quarter To Ten | 1 |
Nipping Into Wilf's | 1 |
No Beakfast At Gerry's Cafe | 1 |
Nothing I Don't Know About Pantos | 1 |
Nothing Says Sorry Like A Sausage | 1 |
Now Where's That Cat? | 1 |
Nursery Hustings | 1 |
Off Menu At Gerry's Café | 1 |
Once, Twice, Three Times A Butcher | 1 |
One Anchor Stuck To My Thumb | 1 |
One Of My Ulreka Moments | 1 |
Opening Night | 1 |
Over Here Wogan! | 1 |
Pandorra's Box? | 1 |
Passport Bravo | 1 |
Pest Control At Gerry's Café | 1 |
Peter Pan O'Pop | 1 |
Piccalilli Taste Test | 1 |
Pick Axe Mingle's Brains | 1 |
Police Reconstruction | 1 |
Pre-Motivational Speech Preparations With Geoffrey | 1 |
Preparations | 1 |
Preparations For The Sale | 1 |
Pub Quiz Results Counted | 1 |
Put Me Another Sausage On Wilf | 1 |
Putting The Ship In The Bottle | 1 |
Question And Answer Session | 1 |
Queuing | 1 |
Queuing At The Hospital | 1 |
Queuing At The Shop | 1 |
Quick Stop At The Shoulder Of Mutton | 1 |
Radio Play Rehearsal | 1 |
Radio Show | 1 |
Rescued In The Nick Of Time | 1 |
Research For The Quiz | 1 |
Return To The Shoulder Of Mutton | 1 |
Returning The Cassette Recorder Machine | 1 |
Ruminations On Pedestrian Crossings | 1 |
Screw Back For The Black | 1 |
Séance | 1 |
See How They Run Like Pigs | 1 |
Selling Pitch At Jerry's | 1 |
Señor String? | 1 |
Shakespeare At The Pub | 1 |
Shopping With Malcolm | 1 |
Slack Customs | 1 |
Slow News Day | 1 |
Small Pint And Pork Scratchings | 1 |
Sniff Of A Free Meal | 1 |
Sound And Lighting Cues | 1 |
Spanish Elvis Has Left The Building | 1 |
Start Filming When They Open The Door | 1 |
Streaky Bacon At The Opticians | 1 |
Street Cabs | 1 |
Stuck In A Lift | 1 |
Sunny Days Time Shares | 1 |
Sure We Are On The Right Road? | 1 |
Swotting Up At The Library | 1 |
Table Dancing | 1 |
Take Your Chosen Veg | 1 |
Talking To You... Looking At Geoffrey | 1 |
Tea Break | 1 |
Team Meeting At Wilf's | 1 |
Telephone Call From Oxford University | 1 |
Teletubbles | 1 |
Tent Shopping | 1 |
Thank You To The Audience | 1 |
That Awful Man From Down The Road | 1 |
That Bloody Stupid Woman | 1 |
The Auditionee's | 1 |
The Corn Exchange | 1 |
The Doctor | 1 |
The Dynamic Duo | 1 |
The Food Critics Visit | 1 |
The Four Apostles, The Classic Line-Up | 1 |
The Good Flush Guide | 1 |
The Invisible Man | 1 |
The Missing Cauliflower | 1 |
The Moronic Hall | 1 |
The Official Opening Of The Shoe Shop | 1 |
The Oxford University Debating Society | 1 |
The Price Of A Scouring Pad | 1 |
The Rider For The Show | 1 |
The Shoulder Of Mutton Quiz Night | 1 |
The Shoulder To Celebrate | 1 |
The Statue Of The Black Prince | 1 |
The Stuff Of Dreams | 1 |
The Tale Of Spiggy Lakes | 1 |
The Viewing | 1 |
The Wagon Wheel At Last | 1 |
They Don't Make Them Like This | 1 |
Thing To Do Today | 1 |
Thinking More In The 1000's | 1 |
This Afternoons Special Guest | 1 |
Thou Hast Fallen Whilst Jousting | 1 |
Tie-Break Question | 1 |
Tinnitus The Greek God | 1 |
Troublesome Toaster | 1 |
Try To Put A Smile On Your Face | 1 |
Tug Of Turkey Leg | 1 |
TV Licensing | 1 |
Two Of Everything | 1 |
Two Teas At Gerry's | 1 |
Under New Management | 1 |
VCR Helpline | 1 |
VCR Manual | 1 |
Visiting Gerry At Home | 1 |
Vocal Warm Up | 1 |
Waiting For The Mini Bus | 1 |
Walking Tours, A Few Places Remaining | 1 |
Want To Buy A Slice Of Finger? | 1 |
Warehouse Out Of Raiders Of The Ark Royal | 1 |
Water Water Everywhere | 1 |
We Got Him Anne... | 1 |
We Were There, We Weren't There | 1 |
We Were Worried About You... | 1 |
Welcome Aboard | 1 |
Welcome Home Arthur | 1 |
What Seems To Be The Problem Here | 1 |
What Was The Cost Of The Pullover? | 1 |
What's Up With You, You Look Lost... | 1 |
When Opportunity Knocks | 1 |
Where's The Tea Gone? | 1 |
Whose Cauliflower? | 1 |
Wilf At Gerry's Cafe | 1 |
Wilf The Butchers | 1 |
Wilf's Dedicated Point Of Sales Area | 1 |
Wizard Of Oz Picket Line | 1 |
Women's Institute Talk | 1 |
Worried About You Arthur | 1 |
Wrong Place At The Right Time | 1 |
You Here For Some Advice? | 1 |
You Must Let Me Buy The Next One | 1 |
Your Host For The Evening | 1 |