Peter Cusack - CD Albums - Track List« View Artist Sorted by Count : Sort AlphabeticallyPower Cable Crackle | 2 | Rail Contact Hoverfly | 2 | "Black Wave" | 1 | "Certainly By September 1986" | 1 | "Copper Tubes", Lychmany Village | 1 | "How Can My Sweetheart Reject Me" | 1 | "Oh My Beloved Village" | 1 | "People, Where Should I Look For You?" | 1 | "Quiet Conversation" | 1 | "Three Cossacks", Duminskoye Village | 1 | "Ukraine's Politicians" | 1 | "When You Are A Widow", Lychmany Village | 1 | 'Have You Eaten' | 1 | 'Passengers For Schoenefeld Airport, Please Change Here' | 1 | Accordion, Kids And A Dog | 1 | Baikal Ice Flow Split 1 | 1 | Baikal Ice Flow Split 2 | 1 | Baikal Ice Flow Split 3 | 1 | Baikal Ice Flow Split 4 | 1 | Baikal Ice Flow Split 5 | 1 | Banging Holes In Ice | 1 | Bar, Friday Night, Chernobyl Town | 1 | Beijing Newspaper Seller | 1 | Beijing Subway Announcements | 1 | Beijing Subway Busker | 1 | Beijing Taxi Meter | 1 | Beijing Wind In Caged Birds | 1 | Bell Ringing Practice, Easyjet, SUV | 1 | Bells Of The Kaiser Wilhelm Gedächtniskirche, Breitscheidplatz | 1 | Berlin Hauptbahnhof, Regional Train Jingles | 1 | Berlin Nightingale, Midnight | 1 | Bicycles On Cobblestones, Bergmannstrasse | 1 | Bird Piece | 1 | Blackbird, Hinterhof Dawn 4.00am | 1 | Boats And Waves, River Spree At Bellevue | 1 | Bradwell Beach | 1 | Bradwell Nuclear Power Station | 1 | Building Site At Night | 1 | Call To Prayer / Building Work | 1 | Calling The Pigeons | 1 | Caspian Sea Wash | 1 | Character Engraving Machine | 1 | Chernobyl Evacuee's Lament, Stovpyagi Village | 1 | Chernobyl Frogs | 1 | Chernobyl Nightingales, Chernobyl Town | 1 | Children In The Kindergarten | 1 | Chinese Dates Falling Into Bowls | 1 | Coal Fired Generator | 1 | Counting Bank Notes | 1 | Cuckoo And Radiometer | 1 | Dawn Chorus, Chernobyl Town | 1 | Dragonfly Wings | 1 | Drilling | 1 | Dungeness Nuclear Power Station | 1 | Falling In | 1 | Female Middle School Students | 1 | Ferris Wheel, Pripyat | 1 | Ferry Mores At Jetty | 1 | Flagging Down Train | 1 | Floating Icicles Rocked By Waves | 1 | Football By Ear, Germany V Greece Euro 2012 | 1 | Fountain Sculpture | 1 | Girl In Train Singing | 1 | Glass Bottle Recycling, Marienburgerstrasse Hinterhof | 1 | Glistening Mud Surface | 1 | Golden Oriole Beside Radioactive Trucks | 1 | Guardians | 1 | Herring Gull Shot | 1 | Hissy Machine, Laundry, Pripyat | 1 | Hohei Evening Atmosphere | 1 | Horse And Cart Greeting, Lubianka Village | 1 | Hutong Quiet | 1 | Ice Pressured | 1 | In Tent - Getting Up | 1 | Key In Front Door | 1 | Kids On Holiday | 1 | Kindergarten Footsteps, Pripyat | 1 | Knife Sharpener Man | 1 | Landfill Atmosphere, Distant | 1 | Magpie Chatter | 1 | Maybachufer Street Market Walk | 1 | Methane Flow 1 | 1 | Methane Flow 10 | 1 | Methane Flow 31 | 1 | Methane Flow 7 | 1 | Midnight Crowds, Warschauerstrasse S-Bahn Station | 1 | Milking A Camel | 1 | Music Room, Kindergarten, Pripyat | 1 | Nard From The Window | 1 | Narrow Street Atmosphere | 1 | New-Year Fireworks From The 24th Floor | 1 | Nightjars (Close Up) | 1 | Nightjars And Roe Deer | 1 | Nodding Donkey Extreme Close | 1 | Official Secrets | 1 | Oil Field Atmosphere | 1 | Oil Work Tune 1 | 1 | Oil Work Tune 2 | 1 | Oil Work Tune 3 (From Middle Distance) | 1 | Oilfield Soundwalk 1 | 1 | Oilfield Soundwalk 2 | 1 | Old Songs In Jingshan Park | 1 | Panke River Quiet | 1 | Picturesque Thaxted | 1 | Pigeons Whistles In The Sky | 1 | Plane Deer | 1 | Port Baikal Weird | 1 | Pripyat Wind And Chiffchaff | 1 | Quiet Streets In The Small Hours, Footsteps, Home | 1 | Radiometer Sheep 1 | 1 | Radiometer Sheep 2 | 1 | Radiometer Squeaky Hinge, Opachichi Village | 1 | Radiometer, Kopachi | 1 | Rail Contact Trains | 1 | Raising The Flag In Tiananmen Square | 1 | Reluctant Piano | 1 | Reuterstrasse Hinterhof 8.00am | 1 | River Flow-Aled Isaf Reservoir | 1 | Riverside Atmosphere, Treptower Park | 1 | Roar Over Ice | 1 | S-Bahn Acceleration, Inside The Train | 1 | S-Bahn Trains, Alexanderplatz Station | 1 | Sarcophagus Work | 1 | Schinkstrasse Hinterhof | 1 | School Kids Reading Class | 1 | Sea Slosh In Mud Channels | 1 | Seaplane, Summertime, Stralau | 1 | Sellafield Winter Atmosphere | 1 | Small Lane Restaurant | 1 | Small Stones Thrown On Ice, Engelbecken | 1 | Snowdonia Sheep | 1 | Snowdonian Woodland | 1 | Squabble | 1 | Squeaky Hinge, Opachichi Village | 1 | Stralau Church Bell Chimes 7.00am | 1 | Street Cry 1 | 1 | Street Cry 2 | 1 | Summer Grasshoppers, Summer Wind | 1 | Swallow Trapped In Ancient Church | 1 | Synchronous Kite Flying, Tempelhof Airfield | 1 | Table Tennis Outdoors | 1 | Taxi Meter Speaks English Too | 1 | Telegraph Building Clock | 1 | Tempelhof Airfield Atmosphere With Crickets | 1 | Temple Of Heaven Park | 1 | Teufelsberg, Cold War Reverberation | 1 | The Last Ice | 1 | Traffic Hoots | 1 | Traffic Light Clicks, Passing Trains | 1 | Trumpet And Accordion Street Musicians | 1 | Turkey, Lubianka Village | 1 | U-Bahn Screeching, Gleisdreieck Bridges | 1 | U-Bahn Sounds, Late Evening Klosterstrasse Station | 1 | Waiting In Gingko Tree Leaves | 1 | Walking On Books / Radiometer, Kindergarten | 1 | Walking On Books, Kindergarten | 1 | Walking On Glass Bottles, Kindergarten, Pripyat | 1 | Walking On Landfill | 1 | White Stork Chicks Screeching In The Nest, Lychmany Village | 1 | White Stork Chicks, Bill Tapping, A Distant Song | 1 | Wild Boar | 1 | Wind Through Canvas And Plastic Sheeting | 1 | Woodfire, Hens, Early Morning, Chernobyl Town | 1 |