I miss Andy's Records very much - was usually my second port of call when I visited Hull - would do Norman's first, then Andy's then Sydney Scarboroughs. It depresses me none of them exist now.
As for Ronno... it's strange seeing this again and reading Joe's notes. It wouldn't be till about a year after this that it finally emerged that Mick was not on any of The Rats singles (and worse, Parchman Farm listed here was not by the Hull Rats!) and it would be another year or two after that that we finally got to hear what Mick did in that band with unreleased material on a retrospective CD devoted to the band - his recording debut having been "The Rise and Fall Of Bernie Gripplestone" in 1967 which had never been played onstage yet alone heard outside of the bands inner circle which was sad because it's a great piece of psych.
Another great thing about that song is the distinctive Hull accents to the fore as they chant "Bernie Gripple-STEEERNNNN"! :)
Really good sleeve notes on this (with due respect to Joe Elliott), released the year after Ronson sadly passed away. Though as pointed out above the discography is wrong!
I bought this new - it was being sold on the counter of Andy's Records in Hull, Mick's hometown (and mine). I wonder what % of its total sales came from that counter display?