Withdrawn as the video was not only banned, but was not on the disc.
henry29 18th Jan 2021
| | I like your thinking there MM.
I have a few I could do that to. Hey mate, You can have this, It's got a great Video on It, Remember to follow the Instructions, and run the exe File. Two days later I get a call saying His computer packed up, and will no longer come on. Oh! dear that Is unfortunate, better wait till PC world opens and get It sorted then. H. |
Magic Marmalade 18th Jan 2021
| | Thanks chaps... very interesting disc all round.
I'm surprised there's no legal action taken against either the band or the record company over it, if it effectively destroys your computer... and if there's a few still knocking about out there in the wild...
(which I will now try and hunt down in it's natural habitat of the charity shop or boot fair, once we're sufficiently de-Covid-ed :)
... I think they probably need a computer health warning sticker slapped on them when found.
Is it possible, though, being as this was released in 97 (Windows 95?), that the effect on modern operating systems will be minimal, and sufficiently moved past this - updates in virus scans etc.?
Perhaps Henry, you could oblige us in being a Guinea pig, by popping it into your computer and reporting your findings - take one for the team? : D
(Only joking... find someone you don't like very much, and give it to them as a "gift"! :) |
henry29 17th Jan 2021
| | Hi. MM.
The Video was completely Banned because of It's Horror type content. For the time It was quite shocking for a Pop Video. A few months later Leftfield with Africa Bamambatta - Africa Shox would only be available on a Playstation free Disc on a games magazine. Watch It now, and You will think, Well what was all the fuss about, but back then these were ground breaking Videos. As for the Virus. the D:/Bush32.exe file Is exactly what It says. It Is program that takes over your System 32 directory on Your D. drive. Please do not try It out. They knew that the kids would run this program just to the Video (Not Included) to see what the fuss was about. A great Trap. H. |
safcforme 14th Jan 2021
| | Hi Matt, there are couple on sale on ebay for a couple of quid if you're that curious lol. I've messaged one seller for more info and I'll let you know what he says. No disrespect intended Henry!!! |
Magic Marmalade 11th Jan 2021
| | You're going to have to tell me more now Henry... You've only made me want it now! :).
Why was the video banned... And what's on the disc and what does it do to your computer? |
henry29 9th Jan 2021
| | If You do find a copy of this. Please do NOT!. Put this Virus filled Hell, In Your computer, There Is NO!. video on there, You have been warned. H. |